With the Northern army camped outside of Castle Black Thornir was a few days away from the location.
He had planned to fight the Northern army and defeat them. But he didn't want to kill all the Northern soldiers as that will only boost the hatred for the Free Folk on the Northern side. Instead he wanted to improve his standing with the Northern Lords and people so that he won't have so many enemies in the world.
As of now his enemies were a great many and if they decided to team up with each other to stop him even he won't be able to hold out against them for that long.
Beyond the wall at this moment he could say that all of his enemies were all of the Seven Kingdom's while in Essos it was the Iron Bank which held a lot of influence around the world.
He previously had to deal with the Iron Bank when he was building His Capital Hardhome up from the ground and that didn't end well.
He knew that the Iron Bank planned to get revenge on him soon but he didn't know when that would happen but once it does he will be prepared to stop it.
But back to the battle at hand Thornir and the army marched for a few days before the arrived at Castle Black as they stood in between the Walls of Castle Black and the Northern Army which was already awaken to their presence.
The Northern Army was already formed up and standing in formation ready to battle with this new army that just arrived.
Lord Stark and the other Northern Lord's were not as eager to battle with this new army as they could see that this army in front of them carried steel weapons and wore actual Armor.
Lord Stark didn't want to fight instead he wanted to talk with the leader of this army since if they fought now that army from Castle Black will also fight which will put them at a disadvantage and cause unnecessary losses.
So Lord Stark sent forth a messenger to request a meeting with the leader of the army.
A few minutes later the messenger returned and Northern Lords were surprised to find that he was not killed by the savages.
"Lord Stark the King Beyond the wall accepts you request to meet and he has stated that the meeting will take place in the land between both armies so that both sides can see what is going on" Stated the Messenger.
"Alright then, prepare my horse and Lord Umber, Lord Karstark please accompany me to the meeting" Ordered Lord Stark
Lord Karstark and Lord Umber both nodded and went to prepare their horses as well.
After a few minutes all three Lords were riding their horses to the meeting spot located in between the two armies.
There they already saw a person sitting down in a chair. As they got closer they all assumed this must be the King Beyond the wall.
Once they were close enough they stopped their horses and got off approaching the King Beyond the wall who motioned for them sit down in one of the chairs that were across from him.
Thornir had looked at the three Lords in front of him before speaking "Welcome Lord's of the North I am Thornir the King of the Free Folk" Said Thornir in a relaxed tone.
"I am Lord Stark, Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell" Greeted Lord Stark
"I am Lord Umber of House Umber and the Last Hearth" Stated Lord Umber
"I am Lord Karstark of the Karhold of House Karstark" Stated Lord Karstark
Hearing this Thornir knew that the two Lord's in front of him besides Lord Stark, their castles were located closer to the wall than the other Lords.
"Well My Lords what bring's you here today to meet with me" Asked Thornir
Lord Stark was the one to speak "We won't waste any of your time, so we ask that you please stop your war against the Night's Watch as they have been here for hundreds of years" Asked Lord Stark
"Yes and for Hundreds of years they have been killing and forcing the Free Folk to stay behind the wall and not experience the freedom of travelling across the wall". Said Thornir as he raised his voice just a little.
"I understand that, that's why I propose that in return for stopping this War the Night's Watch will allow the Free Folk to Travel beyond the wall without risk of getting killed" Explained Lord Stark
Thornir thought about it for awhile before he came up with an answer. "No" is all he said.
Both Lord Umber and Lord Karstark both grew furious at what this King just said but in the presence of their lord and as proper noble manners they withheld their anger.
"Why can't we just end this peacefully and stop this bloodshed" Asked Lord Stark
Thornir only sat their in quiet before he answered.
"Because I will only be satisfied once the Night's Watch is completely destroyed and those that get in my way will suffer from the same fate no matter who they are" Stated Thornir
"Well it seems that convincing you is out of the question than I guess nothing can be done" Said Lord Stark as he rose to his feet.
"The next time we will see each other will be with steel against steel but as of right now we are not enemies" Said Lord Stark as he extended his hand.
Thornir took his hand and they both gave each other firm handshake.
"I wish that our meeting would have went better Lord Stark I wished that our people could finally stop resenting each other" Said Thornir.
Lord Stark nodded "Me too"
And that was the last thing that Lord Stark said before they left to return to their army.
Thornir did the same but looked back at the Northern army and said "I guess I shall spare just one life" Said Thornir before he turned around and walked back to his army.
Both armies prepared to battle each other as now there was no turning back. Thornir had made his decision and stated his objective so there was no turning back now.