Hardhome the Capital of the Free Folk Kingdom and the most populated city of the Kingdom could be compared to Kingslanding only it didn't have the Historic building's such as the Red Keep, the Great sept of Baelor, the Dragonpit, and the Guildhall of the Alchemists.
But the city still looked better as Thornir had implemented some sanitation reform's inside of the city. The People compared to Kingslanding actually enjoyed their lives and there was not much crime being committed.
Brave Warriors from the Free Folk army patrolled the street's both day and night keeping all the civilian's safe.
Outside the wall during the day you could see the Port city of Stormdrift booming with activity. At first people were reluctant to go to Stormdrift since it was controlled by the Free Folk but those who took the risk had begun to spread the news that no harm shall come to anyone who goes to the Free Folk cities.
Some people were still reluctant to go but many still went anyway. And once they arrived they couldn't believe what they were seeing.
Unlike Hardhome, Stormdrift had many different cultures of people walking around and living inside of the city. You could see some people from Essos, and even the far reaches of Westeros.
Some had come seeking a new life or other's fleeing from the hardship's of living inside the cities in Westeros. Compared to living inside a city in Westeros where the Lord's created a High tax for the Kingdom, in Stormdrift the Tax was less than half of what it was anywhere else.
And if you couldn't pay taxes you would have a 2 Month time period in which you would be given a chance to make money and pay it back. Though the amount needed to pay went up a little it was still manageable.
And for those that ran away or fled the city the Cities Administrations office had all the document's of people who came to the city. This was one of the requirement's to go to either Stormdrift or Icedale.
Thornir made it to where you hade to fill out a document that contained both your name and family name and then you would be given paper which you must keep on you at all time's to show to guards to make sure that you didn't sneak into the city.
And if you lost your paper's you must go back to one of the Admin office's and they will have a record of all people who came to the city. So they will just find your name and hand you a copy of your paper's.
Every Month you are required to come back to the Office to renew your paper's to confirm that you are still staying inside of the Free Folk Kingdom.
Before you leave the Free Folk Kingdom you also had to return your paper's so that the Admin office can remove your name from the registry and free up space for other's.
This made it to where the admin office won't become to crowded with paper's and every month they can get rid of document's of people who left and forget to come to the admin office.
With this Thornir could keep track of how many people were coming to his land's and so that not just anybody could come in.
Though because of the strict security and how long it takes just to get into the Free Folk Kingdom some wealthy people tried to complain saying how they should be give priority over the Common people.
But that complaint didn't even make it Thornir's ears as Dalla has just balled the paper up and threw it away. Everybody no matter how wealthy they are will be treated the same and nobody will be given priority unless they are the ruler of a city In Essos or a High ranking Lord from the seven Kingdom's.
But this service required them to pay instead. Thornir wanted to milk the Lord's of their money if they wanted to skip the line to get into the Kingdom. Either they will pay or they will wait and there was no way around that.
The Development of the two cities of Icedale and Stormdrift was progressing smoothly as they cities had been constantly expanding due to the large amount's of people that were immigrating to the city.
Because of this many of the Free Folk from Hardhome began to move to Stormdrift or Icedale because of the High demand of worker's.
Some immigrated people in order to make money had also applied for job's to work for the city. Thornir wasn't going to stop them since it was some extra labor so he allowed them to get job's and even gave them the standard pay that the average worker got.
And because of this the Free Folk who worked with the people of different culture's had began to become more relaxed and less cautious around other people. Stormdrift and Icedale was on it's way to becoming the first cities where all races were accepted and treated the same.