Finding out who did it

Thornir had intended to rob the Iron Bank of their money but received a letter from the Warden of the North that suspended his plan. Events then unfolded quickly with a war against the Night's Watch, followed by a battle with the Northern Army and one more with the Royal army.

Since the end of the war, Thornir had been too focused on building his Kingdom, leaving out the Iron Bank as a threat in his considerations. His newfound power and triumph in combat gave him a false sense of complacency.

Taking his son across the sea to Essos was partially due to this feeling and partially to spoil him; either way, he was completely distracted from the dangers that exist in this foreign place.

As powerful and knowledgeable as he was, Thornir was still human and could make mistakes. But as both King and Father, any errors were attributed to him alone. It was then up to him to find who or what caused this attack.

The agent's that he had sent to Essos had been their for weeks investigating the matter. But the Iron Bank had covered their track's well and the Free Folk Kingdom didn't have much influence in the Free Cities.

But still they had found out that the attacker's were the Golden Company which was a mercenary company.

So they would first start there and trace back to the person who hired them. They were ordered to show no mercy and use any mean's necessary to find the person behind this.

Thornir sat in his throne room, surrounded by his most trusted advisors. They were discussing the information they had gathered so far about the Golden Company. He listened intently, his eyes sharp, taking in every detail.

"The Golden Company is a formidable mercenary group," Stygard said. "They have a reputation for being the best in Essos. Their loyalty is unquestionable, and they never break a contract."

Thornir nodded. "So, who could have hired them to attack us?"

"We're not sure yet," Said Stygard. "But we have reason to believe that the Iron Bank might have something to do with it."

Thornir's eyes narrowed. "The Iron Bank?" At this time he had remembered what the Iron Bank had done previously to them.

"Yes, your Grace. They have a history of using mercenaries to get what they want. And they're not pleased with the fact that you've been ignoring them lately."

Thornir leaned back in his throne. He knew that the Iron Bank was a formidable adversary only because of the amount of Wealth that they had. With this wealth their influence as the biggest bank on both Continent's allowed them to spread their influence on both Continent's.

They have ton's of allies that Thornir could face should he attack them. Something that he could handle after some time of preparation.

But it wasn't confirmed yet if they were behind the incident but it was highly considered that they were the ones behind the incident. Even then he still wanted to target them.

Thornir could just fly to the Iron Bank and destroy it instantly but that would be boring and once he find's out if it was them or not he wanted them to suffer for what they did.

As he was lost in thought Val had walked in "Thornir did you find out who attacked you yet" Asked Val.

Thornir shook his head no "I have yet to confirm, but I have a strong suspicion that it was the Iron Bank," Thornir replied, his voice low and dangerous. "If it is them, they will pay dearly for what they have done."

Val nodded, her expression serious. "What do you plan to do?"

Thornir's lips curved into a wicked smile. "I will make them regret ever crossing me. I will show them the true meaning of fear."

Val's eyes widened slightly, but she didn't object. She knew better than to get in the way of Thornir when he was on a mission and she wanted them to suffer as well for what they had done previously.

Thornir stood up from his seat and made his way to the door. "I have some preparations to make. I'll be back soon."

Val watched him go, a sense of unease settling over her. She knew that Thornir was capable of anything when he was angry, and she couldn't help but want to join him in this mission to destroy the Iron Bank but with what just happened to Ragvir she was sure that Thornir would not put another member of his family in danger.

Val didn't stay in the Throne room long after Thornir left and returned to her duties.

Thornir had a plan forming in his mind, one that would make the Iron Bank pay for their treachery. He knew that he couldn't just attack them head-on, not with all the allies they had. No, he needed to be strategic, to find their weakness and exploit it.

He spent hours pouring over maps of the Free Cities and studying the movements of the Iron Bank. He knew that they had many investments and interests throughout Essos, and he needed to find one that would cripple them.

It wasn't until he stumbled upon a trade route that he realized what he needed to do. The Iron Bank had a large investment in a shipping company that transported goods between the Free Cities and Westeros. The company was one of the largest in the world, and if Thornir could disrupt their operations, it would cause chaos and weaken the Iron Bank's hold.

Thornir assembled a team of his best spies and assassins. They were to infiltrate the shipping company and sabotage their operations. Thornir knew that it wouldn't be an easy task, but it was necessary.

The team set out for the Free Cities, disguised as merchants and sailors. They were met with suspicion at every port, but they managed to slip through undetected. Once they arrived at their destination, they began their work.

It took weeks of planning and preparation, but finally, the day came for the attack. They targeted the shipping company's warehouses and docks, setting fire to the ships and destroying their valuable cargo.

The attack was swift and brutal, catching the company and the Iron Bank off guard. The Iron Bank's investors were furious, and their stock prices plummeted. Thornir knew that this was just the beginning. He had to keep the pressure on the Iron Bank.

He sent out more teams to disrupt their other investments, causing chaos and destruction throughout the Free Cities.

Even though this destruction led to the death of some innocent people, Thornir did not show any remorse. He viewed the death of a few thousand as mere collateral damage in order to get back at the Iron Bank.

Once he eventually get's evidence that they had hired the mercenaries, he would be determined to destroy them completely no matter what it took. If the world decided to condemn him for his deeds, then so be it; he was prepared to set the world on fire and show anyone who dared oppose him what it meant to stand in the way of a Monster.

This was his final decision.