The Lord Protector is Dead

The year of 298 AC didn't have a good start to it for the Seven Kingdoms. First off Jon Arryn the Lord Protector had died of what was said to be reported as natural causes. But he was actually poisoned by Cersei Lannister the Queen mother of the Soon to be King of the Seven Kingdom's Joffrey Baratheon.

But what was told to the rest of the seven Kingdoms by Grand Maester Pycelle was that he died of natural causes. Nobody questioned the Grand Maester since it was a Grand Maester who said it.

Though a few people did question it such as Lady Lysa Arryn and her sister Catelyn Stark. The last time that Lysa had seen Jon he was healthy and didn't look to be on the verge of death but all of a sudden know he was dead of natural causes.

She immediately came to the conclusion of poison that had killed her husband so she sent a letter to her sister Catelyn to tell her about what she suspects behind her husbands death.

And since Jon Arryn died and her son is too young to become Lord of the Vale she was proclaimed Lady of the Vale.

Meanwhile back at Kingslanding the Queen had pushed for her son Joffrey to be crowned King immediately.


Lord Tywin Lannister the Lord of the Westerlands and of house Lannister had waged a war against the Riverlands in the beginning of the year. This was all caused by Lord Holster Tully getting ill and Lannister's wanting to take advantage of that.

Lord Tywin Lannister had assembled an army at Casterly Rock which raised the suspicion of the Riverlands who sent a messenger to proclaim his intent. He also start's raising an army at Riverrun and sends Lord Vance of Wayfarer's Rest and Lord Clement Piper of Pinkmaiden to guard the pass below the Golden Tooth, to prevent any Lannister armies from entering the Riverlands.

Tywin dispatches Ser Gregor Clegane to raid the villages along the Red Fork, and Gregor circumvents the Tully forces below the Golden Tooth. In response Edmure further divides his forces, sending men to every village and holdfast within a day's ride of the border.

Ser Jaime Lannister, commanding the Lannister forces, descends on the outnumbered rivermen and breaks them. Lord Vance is slain during the fight and Lord Piper retreats back to Riverrun with the remnants of his forces, with Jaime following on his heels. Meanwhile, Tywin brings another Lannister army up from the south.

The rout of the rivermen beneath the Golden Tooth allows Jaime to then fight the battle under the walls of Riverrun. Ser Marq Piper and Karyl Vance, now a lord, raid behind the Lannisters' lines. Jaime later thinks of the battle as a glorious victory.

By the time this war between the Lannisters and Riverlands were over with Joffrey Baratheon crowned as the King of the Seven Kingdom's with all of the Lord's coming to pledge their allegiance to him except for Lord Eddard Stark and all the Lords of the North.

Lord Tywin Lannister was also named Hand of the King replacing Stannis Baratheon and making him now the Master of Ships. But Stannis didn't take to this new title with much enthusiasm and has left the Capital for his Seat at Dragonstone.

Cersei didn't care about this as she didn't believe that her Dead Husbands brother would cause trouble for her at all.

After the day of his crowning now King Joffrey Baratheon had his first court session which didn't please a lot of people on the council. He appointed his mother to the small council and Jaime Lannister as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and dismissing the legendary knight Barristan Selmy from his service, against all traditions.

When Barristan storms out in disgust, making a remark about the ease with which Stannis would take the throne from him, Joffrey orders Barristan seized and questioned, though the old knight escapes and start's to head towards the North.

The vacancy on the Kingsguard is filled by Joffrey's sworn shield, Sandor Clegane, the first person to serve on the Kingsguard without having earned knighthood.

The next topic was for whom Joffrey should be married to

"I think that an alliance with the Lord of Hightower to be a good since they have lot's of land and plenty of food to help feed the people of the Capital so that we can stabilize after the death of the Lord Protector" Said Lord Tywin though it wasn't a suggestion more of a demand which the other councilors caught onto and began to have a message written to send to the Lord of Highgarden.

"Don't I get a say in this Grandfather" Asked Joffrey as he wanted to choose somebody to marry him instead.

Lord Tywin ignored him and started to talk about the other problems of the Kingdom which angered Joffrey even more since he was the King now and he should make the decisions not the other people.


At Winterfell Lord Stark although reluctant with the decision he was about to make knew that it had to be done.

He was about to proclaim himself King of the North because of the letter from Thornir that he got which revealed that all of Robert's children were in fact not his but the result of the incest between Jaime and Cersei.

Lord Stark would not have believed it but the evidence that came with the message revealed everything to be true.

If his friend Robert was alive then he would have probably killed both Cersei and the children once he found out but he was dead.

And all Eddard could do was to not swear fealty to a false King such as Joffrey. So he talked to the other Lord's of the North and they had all agreed with his decision.

And now Lord Eddard Stark was named King of the North.

And this was just the beginning as Thornir had already sent out messages with proof of his claim to the other Lords of the Seven Kingdoms.

He had learned that his warning had never reached Jon Arryn but was intercepted by Cersei and now she had poisoned and killed him.

So he would not allow them to get their way and would cause more problems for them so that when he invades the other Kingdoms will be weak.