The Palace Falls

As Viserys and Stygard approached the Palace the last few defender's of the city that were holed up inside of the Castle.

The Sealord along with a few of his close advisors were hoping to hold the castle long enough for help to arrive.

They had already barricaded the castle with anything useful that was inside of the castle. Archer's were placed on the wall to shoot at the enemy if they attack the castle.

As one soldier was patrolling the wall watching the area down below he had seen people that were armed walking through the city streets in formation.

He recognized them as knew that they were the enemy so he ran to sound the alarm.

"ENEMIES, ENEMIES ARE APPOACHING" warned the soldier as he yelled out.

The entire Castle which was silent before had now become active as more defender's rushed to the walls to defend.

Stygard had noticed this but he had no reacting since no matter what the enemy do they will at the end of the day be killed.

"Looks like they know we are here now" Stygard said as he looked at Viserys to see what he was going to do.

Viserys turned to one of the soldiers "Go back to the docks and tell the Admiral to fire on Palace with two volleys and that's it"

The soldier nodded as he started running back towards the Docks to relay the message.

While they waited Viserys had the warriors hold off their attack and hide from the range of the archers before they attacked.

He wanted to have the ships fire their cannons at the Palace which will cause the enemy to become disorganized because of the cannon fire and allow the warriors to storm the Palace with little to no losses on their end.

It took almost half an hour before the messenger returned "Commander the ships should be firing soon" Reported the warrior

As soon as he finished saying that, not even moments later and the ships had released the two volleys on the Palace.

The First Volley shocked the defenders that were on the wall, killing some and leaving others severely wounded.

While the second one only added to the chaos of the first volley. 

Viserys didn't waste any time and Ordered the warriors to attack "All Warriors attack" 

The Warriors charged at the Palace meeting now resistance on the way there. Once they got to the closed gate they had all stacked up and helped get a person over the Gate to open it from the other side.

Once the Gate was open all the warriors charged at the Palace and started massacring all the defenders and only sparing those who gave up.

To call it a Massacre was too much since most of the defenders gave up without a fight, but their were still a few who decided to try and fight back only to be killed without much effort.

In just less than 20 minutes the Palace has fallen under Viserys control and the Sea Lord and his advisors were captured alive.

Viserys had the Sea Lord and his advisors escorted to the ships where they would be held below deck and locked up.

And now that he has the Palace secured Braavos was technically under his control now. 

"Well done Viserys you have successfully led an army and captured a city, and now just any city but what was said to be the most powerful of the free cities" Said Stygard

"But now we will begin what we are actually here to do" Said Stygard

"And what is that" Asked Viserys as he has been left in the dark on this plan.

Stygard smirked before he opened his mouth to speak his next words "Thornir will be here shortly and will personally oversee what happens to the Iron Bank, but that is not the plan exactly"

Stygard paused before he continued "The actual plan is to draw the mercenary group known as Golden Company out and Thornir will make an example out of all of them to send a message to the world"

Viserys was shocked since he would get to see Thornir in action for the first time. Before it was only during training but even then he wasn't shown Thornir's true power but only a small portion of it.

"Is this because of the incident that happened when he travelled here with his son" asked Viserys

"Yes that is exactly the reason why" Said Stygard as he nodded his head

"You may not know this but the only true family that We had growing up was just the 5 of us and Thornir made sure to train us to be able to survive in any situation. Even now I don't know why Thornir chose to protect us but it doesn't matter because although we aren't related by blood we are still family. As such we must protect our own right?" Explained Stygard

Viserys didn't have anything to say since he would have done the same for his sister Daenerys as they were the last two members of their house.

"So I can only imagine how he must have felt when he put his son's life in danger, even if nothing would have happened because he was there it was still just the fact that his son was put into a siltation like that by people who only sought to hurt them that angered his so much

I tried to tell him that this was not something that he could have predicted, but still he blames himself even if he doesn't show it to others. That is why the Golden Company will be destroyed and their is nothing that will stop him from doing just that" Said Stygard 

"But enough of that let's start preparing our defenses so that no other army can come in and take the city before Thornir get's back" Stygard had turned to walk away

Viserys just stood their since ever since he has been taken in and taught by Thornir he never once thought that Thornir blames himself for what happened.

And he would have never found out because Thornir tried to suppress those feelings because it shows signs of weakness in a person to dwell on the past instead of focusing on the future.