The battle ended with most of the fleet being destroyed or retreating back to the Port of Pentos.
Seeing the fleet arrive at the port with half their number's and ship's on the verge of sinking, the Council of Pentos and the Prince of Pentos were now scared.
Because the army didn't leave that long ago, yet they had came back so fast meaning that they had battled the enemy at sea and lost.
The Prince of Pentos was in shock since all those ship's that were sent and less than a hundred returned meant that tens of thousand's of people were killed in less than 3 days.
Something like this hasn't happened since the Rebellion against the Targaryen's.
The Council of Pentos was also shocked and had called an emergency meeting to figure out what to do since they are sure that soon the enemy will attack them.
The meeting lasted for nearly 2 hours before the decision was made to blame it all on the Prince of Pentos so that the city can be spared from an attack.
That was the official excuse, but the actual excuse was to protect the Magister's wealth, lives, and families from the wrath of the Free Folk Kingdom.
Once the meeting was done the Magister's ordered the guard's to seize the Prince of Pentos for forcing them to attack Braavos which he knew was occupied by the Free Folk Kingdom.
The Guards inside of the Palace were controlled by the Council of Magister's so they immediately carried out their order's.
The Prince of Pentos was in his office signing some paper's and trying to come up with a way to avoid a siege on the city which would be costly and they would be defeated.
But as he was working the door to his office was slammed open and 6 guards came rushing in with their weapon's drawn.
"Hey what's going on?" Questioned the Prince of Pentos as he rose from his seat.
"Your Highness you are under arrest for sending an army to attack Braavos knowing that it was controlled by the Free Folk Kingdom, These charges were agreed upon by the Council and you have been proven guilty" Said the guard as they walked up to the Prince and held him down.
The Prince tried to resist as he yelled and cursed at the guards pleading that he was innocent. But they didn't want to hear, no more like they were ordered not to listen to him.
While he tried to get away another guard came and put chains on his hands making sure he can't fight back.
Once they had his hands chained up then he was dragged away from his office and taken to the dungeon where he would stay until the next morning where he would get beheaded in front of the city.
Then his head would be given to the Free Folk army in exchange for them not to attack the city since they didn't have enough guards to defend the city against an attack.
While this was going on in Essos, in Westeros news of the Free Folk attack on Braavos had spread to the various Kingdom's.
House Tyrell, which was formerly allied with the Renly Baratheon was now on their own as he has died and his army has either joined the Crown or joined Stannis.
Lord Mace Tyrell was in a tough position as he didn't want to get caught up in the war and risk the safety of his house nor the position of Lord of Highgarden.
So he sought to form a powerful alliance with a strong Kingdom. But Joffrey was known as the child of incest, Stannis was a good tactician and good at leading men, but ruling a kingdom was not something that he was capable of.
The North was somebody that he considered since they were on their own and both of their houses are on good term's.
The Riverlands which has remained neutral in the war was too weak to form an alliance with, But the Free Folk Kingdom was a powerful Kingdom and their King was known to have two wives.
Margaery may not like it but marrying her to him would make her dream of marrying a King come true and she would be well protected by the Free Folk Kingdom.
Lord Mace Tyrell couldn't decided which one to choose, The North or the Free Folk Kingdom so he asked for the council of his mother, Olenna Tyrell.
Now back to Essos, a few days had passed since the Prince of Pentos was accused of crimes that he didn't commit.
And now a fleet of warship's carrying 10k warriors were now approaching the port of Pentos. The Council of Magister's had ordered a messenger to bring the head of the Prince who was executed a few days ago to the approaching fleet to seek peace.
The ship approached waving the white flag and after a few moments was allowed to approach Thornir's ship.
Once the messenger was onboard he placed the bag he was carrying on the ground "I present this gift to his highness from the Council of Pentos" Said the messenger
One of the warriors grabbed the bag and opened it. The warrior eyes twitched a little upon seeing the sight of a head wondering if this was an insult or a something else.
"What's in the bag" Asked Thornir as he noticed how the warrior was staring for a while.
The Warrior then grabbed the head by the hair and took it out of the bag.
That's when the messenger spoke "This is the head of the now former Prince of Pentos who was the one responsible for assembling an army and attacking Braavos no matter how much the tried to stop him" Said the messenger obviously telling a lie
Thornir looked at the head before he looked back at the messenger.
He was thinking whether or not the messenger thought that he was stupid or what.
And if anything they just killed an innocent person while trying to save their own lives and families.
Thornir didn't say anything for a few minutes causing the silence to make the messenger start shaking since he didn't know what was going to happen.
"First off, take this head back to the Council" Said Thornir as he paused "And Secondly, I want you to leave my ship immediately and tell your council to prepare to have their heads mounted on the very walls that they cower behind!"
The Messenger didn't waste anytime and had ran back to his ship and started to head back to the port to report what happened.
Meanwhile one of the warrior had came up to Thornir "Your Highness, what are your order's"
"Have the men prepare to invade the city and make sure that all council member's are found and captured" Ordered Thornir
The warrior nodded and left to go relay his order's.
Giving them a quick death would not make them suffer not will they be punished for what they have done in the past and what they did to the Prince.
A simple death is too easy for people like that so instead they will suffer a long death and suffer so much that they will know how it feels to be on the receiving end.
Thornir had went into his quarter's on the ship and had his maids put on his armor for him since he wanted to participate in the battle.
He wanted to personally see the look on the councilor's face as he killed their families in front of them.
For today his hunger for battle will end.