They Thought they could run

The Free Folk warriors had managed to push through the Defender's killing all in their way and had made it to the Central Palace.

The people of Pentos stayed in their houses while the Free Folk warriors marched through the street's and killed their warriors.

Some had surrendered since they had seen the Free Folk warriors kill their fellow soldier without much effort. 

Those that surrendered were spared and taken to the Central Palace where they were being held. After capturing the Central Palace Thornir had turned it into his own Palace while his warriors continued to make sure the city was secure.

As for the Magister's of the city, well he captured a few of them along the way but most of them were either in the city somewhere or had escaped already.

His Warrior's were fighting their way towards the Main gate to lock it down and was making considerable progress.

But he wanted to get them now so he told his personal guard of Warrior's to follow him as he left the Palace and went into the city.

The first place he went was towards the Front gate where he would assume most of the Magister's would be trying to go amidst the chaos.

Thornir walked down the deserted streets of Pentos, his personal guard of warriors following him closely. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of their boots hitting the cobblestones. The city was eerily quiet, as if waiting for the next wave of violence to come crashing through.

The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the city. Thornir could feel the tension in the air as he made his way towards the Front gate. He could see the gate in the distance, and he quickened his pace.

As they got closer, they could hear the sounds of battle. Thornir drew his sword, and his warriors followed suit. They broke into a run, charging towards the gate.

When they reached the gate, they found a group of Magister's with their soldiers trying to break through past the Free Folk Warriors who had already taken the Gate. Thornir didn't hesitate, he charged towards them, his sword held high. His warriors followed close behind as they clashed against the Magister's soldier's.

The Magister's upon seeing this had turned around abandoning their soldier's and ran back inside of the city.

They had gave up on leaving the city since now their exit was blocked so all they could do was to hide for now until they can escape or hope for the best.

Thornir and his warriors cut through the Magister's soldiers with ease, their experience on the battlefield giving them an advantage. They didn't stop until all of the soldiers lay dead on the ground, their blood staining the cobblestones.

Thornir looked around, making sure there were no more soldiers approaching. Satisfied that they were safe for the moment, he sheathed his sword and turned to his warriors.

"Spread out," he ordered. "We need to find the rest of the Magisters"

His warriors nodded and split up, each taking a different direction. Thornir led a group towards one of the Magister's Palace, hoping to find some of them holed up inside.

As they approached the Palace, Thornir could hear the sound of voices coming from inside. He signaled to his warriors and they silently made their way to the entrance. Thornir listened closely, trying to make out what the voices were saying.

"...we have to get out of here," one of the Magister's was saying. "We can't stay here and wait for them to find us."

"We should split up," another Magister suggested. "It will be harder for them to find us that way."

Thornir smiled to himself. The Magister's were panicking.

He signaled to his warriors and they burst into the Palace, catching the Magisters off guard.

The Magister's soldiers tried to fight back, but they were no match for Thornir's warriors. In a matter of moments, they had taken control of the Palace. Thornir signaled for his warriors to search the Palace, and they quickly got to work.

Thornir himself went to the room where he could still hear the Magister's voices. He pushed open the door to find the Magister's huddled together in a corner, fear etched on their faces.

Thornir approached them, a cruel smile on his face. "Well, well, well," he said. "Look what we have here."

The Magister's cowered before him, knowing that their fate was sealed.

"You thought you could escape, didn't you?" Thornir continued. "You thought you could just run away from me and live the rest of your lives in luxury. Well, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you."

Thornir drew his sword and advanced towards the Magister's, the tip of his sword pointed at their throats.

"You're going to die," he said simply.

The Magister's screamed and begged for their lives, but Thornir ignored them. He raised his sword high and brought it down only to stop just before it reached them.

Thornir grinned wickedly as he watched the Magister's tremble in fear. "I've changed my mind," he said. "You're going to live. But you'll wish that you were dead."

He sheathed his sword and turned to leave the room, motioning for his warriors to follow him.

"Take them to the Central Palace," he ordered. "Make sure they're locked up tight."

The warriors nodded and began to drag the Magister's out of the room. Thornir turned to leave.

As he made his way out of the Palace, Thornir couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had done what he set out to do and had brought the Magister's to their knees.

But there was still work to be done. He knew that there were more Magister's still out there, hiding in the shadows. He couldn't rest until they were all captured or killed.

Thornir made his way back to the Central Palace, his mind already planning his next move. He would send out scouts to search the city, looking for any signs of the remaining Magister's. He would also post guards around the city to make sure that none of them could sneak out unnoticed.

But first, he needed rest. He had been fighting for hours, and his body was starting to feel the effects. He made his way to his private chambers and collapsed onto the bed, exhaustion washing over him.


Meanwhile in Westeros major things were happening as Lord Tywin Lannister the Hand of the King has been severely injured by his son Tyrion who escaped Kingslanding and headed North.

Tyrion Lannister had long been shunned by his father, but this last incident that involved Tyrion's Lover had crossed the line.

Tyrion had caught his lover sleeping with his own father which broke him to see this. Because upon seeing this all he could see was betrayal and his father's mocking face as he looked down upon Tyrion and smiled.

That was all he could see once he saw this scene. So after he killed his lover out of anger from betrayal he found his father using the bathroom and had shot him with a crossbow before running away.

Tyrion had only shot one crossbow at him before he ran away to get out of the Palace. But the noise and screaming of Lord Tywin was heard causing the Guards on the Palace to come running.

That's When Tywin was found and was rushed to the Maester. And luckily he was since if not he would have died from bleeding out. But still he was left severely wounded.

A bounty was put on Tyrion's head, but he had a few friends in the City and was able to escape on a caravan to the North.

This major incident had left House Lannister weak as the Head of the House was severely injured leaving Jaime Lannister to take charge.