
The next day, Stannis and his fleet had began their attack on Kingslanding. Normally Lord Tywin would be leading the battle but he is severely injured right now so in his place, his son Jaime Lannister will lead the battle.

On the walls of Kingslanding facing the beach where Stannis and his soldier's would have to land, Jaime was standing at the top of the walls with his nephew King Joffrey Baratheon by his side.

"Uncle we should have invaded Dragonstone a while ago to prevent something like this from happening" Said King Joffrey. He had wanted to invade Dragonstone to get rid of those rebellious peasants, but he was stopped by his mother and the Hand of the King Lord Tywin Lannister saying that it was a foolish idea to attack a place that is a solid fortress.

And if they launched an attack on Dragonstone it would require a lot of men, something that they didn't have.

"You know why we didn't listen to your silly little request" Said Jaime as he sighed.

Joffrey only scoffed and rolled his eyes hearing what his uncle had to say.

"It's because you are still too young to understand anything about warfare, that's why I am here so that we can win this battle" Said Jaime

Joffrey got a little angry since he was tired of people telling him what to do when he was the King.

But before he could say something he was interrupted by the sound of a horn blowing indicating the enemy were coming.

Upon hearing this Jaime turned to a Lannister soldier next to him "Is the Maester's plan ready"

"Yes My Lord, the men are awaiting your signal" Said the Lannister soldier.

"Very well then guess all we do now is wait" Said Jaime as he watched the Fleet of ship's get closer

Meanwhile, Stannis was watching the walls of Kingslanding as his fleet approached the shore prepared to fight for Stannis.

 Jaime had given the signal and a ship carrying wildfire had set off towards Stannis and his fleet. 

As the ship approached Ser Davos Seaworth had ordered the men to prepare longbows in preparation for a surprise attack by the Defender's.

As the ship slowly passed by Ser Davos Seaworth closely observed it preparing to give the order to lose a volley upon the ship.

But he saw nothing. That was until the ship was almost passed him and he saw what was leaking out of the back of the ship.

It was Wildfire.

In the few seconds possibly that they had before the enemy blew the Wildfire, Ser Davos ordered the men to do the only thing that they could.

"WILDFIRE! Turn the Ship around NOW" Ordered Ser Davos as the helmsman attempted to turn the ship around. But at the speed they were going the helmsman could not turn the ship around in time.

That's when Ser Davos looked into the sky and seen the orange light traveling towards the ship carrying the Wildfire.

The Orange light in particular was a Fire arrow that was shot from somewhere outside of the walls that could reach Stannis Fleet.

And once the fire arrow hit the trail of Wildfire it ignited causing a massive explosion that rocked the sea and sent a wave of heat towards Stannis and his fleet.

The wildfire spread quickly, engulfing not only Stannis' ships but also the water around it. The screams of men echoed through the air as they burned alive, and Stannis watched in horror as a quarter of his fleet was quickly destroyed.

Jaime watched from the safety of the walls as the wildfire did its job, taking out a portion of his enemies with deadly precision. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he watched their ships burn.

But his moment of triumph was short-lived as he turned to see Joffrey standing there with a look of pure glee on his face. "Uncle, that was amazing! Can we do it again?" he asked, clearly excited by the destruction.

Jaime looked at the boy and felt a pang of disgust. This was the future of the Seven Kingdoms? A spoiled child who enjoyed the brutal killing of thousands.

"It's not over yet, Stannis Baratheon is not one to give up that easily" Said Jaime as he watched the sea.

And he was right Stannis did not care or more like he did was only focused on victory.

"Prepare to land" Ordered Stannis as he took his cape off and grabbed his sword.

"But Sir we just lost thousands of man to the Wildfire" Said the soldier as his voice began to break just from the mention of it.

"And we can't do anything about that now. Thousands more will die before we take the city" Said Stannis, his eyes filled with determination.

Stannis Baratheon was a man who would stop at nothing to win the Iron Throne, and he knew that taking Kingslanding would be the key to his victory. He had already lost a quarter of his fleet to the wildfire, but he was not deterred. He knew he had to press on, no matter the cost.

Once they started to land on the shore they were met with a hail of arrows killing the first few soldier's to even touch the ground.

While the ones after them formed a shield wall and approached the Wall of Kingslanding with ladder's in tow.

At this point in time the number of men on both sides had become even meaning that the battle will come down to who has the better soldier's and who is more determined.

Jaime watched from the walls as Stannis' men approached. He could see the determination in their eyes, and he knew that they would not give up easily. But Jaime was not one to back down from a challenge.

"Archers, fire!" Jaime ordered, as he watched a volley of arrows rain down upon the shield wall.

But Stannis' men were not deterred, and they continued to climb the ladders despite the arrows raining down upon them.

Jaime knew that he had to take action. He grabbed his sword and charged down the stairs, his men following behind him.

As he reached the ground, he saw Stannis' men begin to break through the shield wall. Jaime charged forward, his sword slicing through the air as he fought against the enemy soldiers.

He could feel the heat of the battle raging around him, the clash of metal on metal ringing in his ears. But he did not falter. He continued to fight with everything he had, determined to protect the city and his family's power.