when it started

" Young master, I greet you happy birthday. " A maid said preparing the hair of a 6-year-old, after that the child then get down and looked at herself in a large mirror before going out and arriving at a large ballroom with so many guests, and since she won't have a partner she just walks her way to a seat hidden in the corner while ignoring every stare she received.

and also hello my name is jin yuung lee the second child of the Lee family as you can see I'm rich but not that rich, rich but a family that can buy half of a city, and since I'm the second child you must think that I'm spoiled but Nah I'm just a half-blooded child an accident that born out of the most powerful family or perhaps a cursed child of the family a misfortune, and you might be curious about the backstory.

here when it started my mother or so-called the daughter of the lee family past head got raped on the day she got drunk at a party and that person is an unknown man at the party that got invited, and after my mother got news getting a second child she got excited but after I got born my face does look like my mom but little of it looks like my father so the husband of my mother take a DNA test and was shocked of the result it said that the possibility that he is my dad is zero, since because he is not my father.

and after mom got the result she then wanted to throw me away but failed because the child had the blood of the lee and if the news that the lee throws away a child will be bought a scandal so here I am alone at the party.

then time passed and the party is done while the guests one by one leave the ballroom leaving me alone, I do have siblings but they just bullied me or ignore me like I'm some kind of wind passing by.

I then walk my way to the stairs to my bedroom but when I was about to go in, I saw my mother drunk again while three maids support her and were going to stumble on the floor I then ran towards her and was about to help her but when I was about to touch her she then throws a bottle of wine on my head bleeding it on the process.

" useless piece of trash," she said making the maid supporting her get startled looking in my direction but didn't care and walked their way to a long hallway while supporting her mother.

and years later the child became a smart, cold and strong woman who won so many martial arts tournaments and many more and also a streamer a legendary pro gamer that everyone want to team up and meet with but got rejected instead.

" It's already this late. " said jin without even care or any emotions before putting a headset on her ear while looking at her phone not even cautious about her surrounding, then a bright light suddenly touch her face and looked where it coming from but just looking at a big vehicle running on a high speed before hitting her body killing her in the process.

[ ding...processing..search.... ]

[ ding...new host has...found ]

[ ding...processing back the memory ]

" huh " let out in my mouth before looking at a blue panel in front of me while my surroundings are black as a void.

[ greetings host, from now on I will be your system my name is 1.0'. ] said a machinech voice that came from a ball that is floating, even if it's a device I can still hear a bit of life on this.

" host...?...system?...did I die. " jin said still no emotions can be heard in her voice she's not even concerned.

[ yes host you die because of a road accident. ] said by the system.

" is that so... so system what is your features is there any task or anything will I go to hell or will I reincarnate? " said jin while tilting her head.

[ ah... yes the system will give you a task but getting reincarnated is not an available attribute host and...about the system's features it is an old version without anything unlocked. ] The system said a little disappointed.

" is that so... so that means if I update or upgrade you I can unlock every feature like a system store right? " said jin.

[ yes host you can update me by upgrading me, you can upgrade me using task points.]

the system said.

" ...then where can I get task points?" jin said.

[ the host will get a task point after completing a task given by an unidentified character or person scattered around in the infinite universe. ]

" oh...i see... I find that quite exciting. " jin said while her eyes formed a star but her expression is not even showing any emotions.

" then the system can I name you...its kinda disrespectful for me to call a companion without its phrase labelling. " jin asks her future helper on their very first journey.

[ ahh...ye...yes...feel free to name me host. ] the system stuttering before jin hummed thinking of a good name for her companion.

" then your name is amin. ". ( name meaning: faithful and trustworthy.

after jin announced the name to the system or amin then excitedly flies around the head of her host head before receiving a light giggle from jin.

" then can you show me my status amin. " jin asks the system, amin then nods.

• { status } • task points: ♾

name: jin yuung lee

age: 19

sex: female

system store: ( not available; unlock after upgrading the system.)

" uh...is there any error on the system program?... why is my task points had the infinite logo in them. " jin asks again

[ please wait host, let me ask the head departments and the main system give me a minute. ] amin said before disappearing.

minutes later amin then reappeared.

[ host the head department said because of your overwhelming talent and participation in many tournaments you receive so many good karmas that they cannot count how many points it is and the main system said that since you are a pro gamer host they use your game coins, points, etc and make it task points. ] amin said before receiving an -o- from jin.

" then amin can I upgrade you now? " jin ask and amin just nod, without further ado jin then click the upgrade button every second every minute until the upgrade button turned grey while the level turned question mark.

" amin are you sure there is no error... " jin ask a little dumbfounded.

[ yes host there is no error or anything I even double-check it just in case. ] amin said after getting a nod from jin.

" Alright then, amin what world are we going to. " jin said before amin give her a blue panel.

[ host can pic whatever world it is. ] amin said presenting a billion worlds there's even a title.

" tch...there is so many.... " jin said, then pushed the random button.

[ host you have picked a historical drama. ] amin said.

" then let us go to our first journey amin, wish us good luck. " jin said giving amin a slight smile.

[ yes, host. ] amin reply with a determined tone.

then the two disappeared into the void realm leaving only pinch black.