chapter: 9 historical drama

• quin pov •

Arriving at my camp house with the dragon who just transform his or her self into a baby fox I then sat down beside my table while the dragon is taking a nap on my lap after that I then started doing my paper works and while doing it my camp front curtain then slid where I see team commander Long Shu a tier 10 soldier come in before kneeling.

Stopping from what I was doing I then put my pencil brush on the side.

" What is the matter, Long Shu? " I said in a cold tone.

" yes sire, all the recruited soldiers have now all arrived but since it is now evening I suggest continuing the trial tomorrow. " Long Shu said still bowing.

" I see that therefore I commanded you to continue the trial tomorrow morning then you are all free to go now, commander. " I said, and just like that I then proceed with what I was doing earlier and without saying any word Long Shu then bow and leave quietly.

After the commander leave another person similarly come in without saying any word and then sat beside me, looking to my right side a young lady that had beautiful long black hair can be seen in my eyes looking at her I just blush slightly.

Suddenly she then proceeded to do accordingly she pleases and laid her head on my shoulder and wrap her arms with mine which I didn't mind.

" What is the matter Yang? " I said stopping on my paper and looked at the lady who is longing for attention.

" your you have time to come with me to tomorrow's festival. " yang said looking at me without taking her hands off my arms, hearing it I just smile and kiss her forehead.

" Anything for you dear after the trial we will go tomorrow's festival I promise. " I said before putting my head on her shoulders.

• 3rd person •

5 in the morning a horn then echoes loudly on a peaceful day which irritates all of the soldiers that are still sleeping but still get up on their bed and do all of their routines quickly before going out and make a perfect line outside.

" Quickly get all your butt out. " a tier 5 soldier then shouted in a great morning making all of the soldiers lose their appetite and straighten their backs.

After all the soldiers are now in their position two figures then get out of a big tent which is guarded by tiers 7 soldiers furthermore all the soldiers then kneel with their heads bowed.

" We greet the emperor Quin Lou and general Yang. " all the soldiers then shout at the top of their lungs.

" all of you rise. " the emperor then commanded in a deep and cold voice making all of the soldiers shiver.

And after Quin Lou sat down on a chair up on a wide platform with Yang a soldier who has a big smile and a bald head then stood in front and make a speech.

" good morning all of the recruits may the Buddha guide you in the path of light. " the soldier said making a gossip out of the crowd.

" now now let's not make a scene and start the final test also who I call please stand here. " the man said and continuously call half of the name of the recruited soldiers while the other half then got chased out because of the curses they said in front of the Emperor the general and also all the tier soldiers.

After the wipe-out thingy, all of the recruits who successfully entered the military were then commanded to go back and return on the fourth day.

while Quin and Yang are on the festival disguising as a commoner.

" your majesty, let's go there. " yang then shouted lightly while pointing at a restaurant just blocks away.

looking at her I just nod my head and let her pull me.

arriving there I then took out my badge and walked toward the receptionist, the woman who is on the other side then look at me before looking at the one I was holding and her eyes then widen before giving me a wide smile.

" hello there dear customer do you need anything. " she said with a smuggling smile making my face cold.

" yes I want to have a table for two people if you don't mind. " I said hearing it she then walk out and now standing in front of me.

"Sure no problem this way I will guide you towards your table. " she said then walk forward and we just follow her where I and Yang will eat, After just a couple of minutes of walking we then entered our VIP room if I guess since the surrounding is so quiet which I wanted.

sitting in our chair I then touch Yang's palm that is laying on the table and grip it gently before smiling in contentment after that we then continue our stroll around the empire until midnight when the fireworks will be released in the sky.

" your majesty the firework show is about to begin I'm so excited. " Yang cheerfully said hearing it I just hummed smiling.

" yes me too. " I said staring at the night sky that has many stars on it.

looking up at the empty sky it then lit up with many colours making all the people at the town square cheer loudly I just smile hearing all of my people's laughter.

Looking at my side I then see yang who is laying on my shoulder sleeping after waiting for the festival to end I then gently carry yang and return to the palace.

returning to my chamber I then put Yang on the bed before sitting on the nearby chair.

" amin. " I let out breaking the silence in the quiet room.

[ yes host. ] a mechanic voice then said back.

" how progress has I made? "

[ the host progress is now at 49% in the systems setting. ] hearing it I just nod slightly and walk towards at the sleeping yang looking at her I then gently cares her cheek before smiling and slept beside her.