Chapter : 6 ABO modern cultivation

[ Hella's pov ]

Opening my eyes while groaning because of my back ache I then glance at myself where I see my naked body, I then quickly cover my body with the blanket that is making me warm looking around I then just notice the alpha beside me who is also naked while griping my waist gently in her soft hands.

Slowly remembering what had happened yesterday my eyes then formed a frown when I recall all of my memories I remember that I got kidnapped where a man that snatch me give me shots in my shoulder for some reason and just like that the effect then turned on making my body react to it and that is where I felt that my body is getting hotter and hotter making the man yesterday chuckle and left me in the room and that is just all of the memory pieces that I can recall.

Looking at the alpha I then felt embarrassed because when I woke up I almost throw tantrums at the alpha who help me out.

Still sitting on the bed I then slowly go and take the palm that is holding me gently and when I try to lift the alpha's arms, Sara then grips me tightly where I fall to the bed completely.

" Don't leave me just yet, dear~?" she said making my skin crawl as how she whispered seductively in my ear making me blush.

Frozen in place Sara's hands then go and crawl at every part of my body as she pleased making me shiver, just then her phone suddenly rings making her who is now laying on my chest groan in annoyance.

" Sara, someone is calling. " I said slightly like a whisper and when I call out to her she then opened her eyes looking at me with lust.

Groaning again she suddenly kiss me on the side of my eye before getting up and walk towards her phone, I just observed her while sitting up on the bed covering my naked body.

" Yes. " Sara said in a calming voice but I still hear the slightly irritating vocal on her.

" alright, and also inform father that his grandchildren will be coming soon. " Sara said making me blush, putting the phone in its place Sara then stretches her body making a loud crack where she relaxed and sigh before looking in my direction and smile gently.

Walking towards me she then cares my cheek after she sat down on the soft mattress.

"Is there any wound in your body," she said and I just shake my head, I do appreciate her worry.

"mhmm... I'm glad," she said before taking a kiss on my lips and leaving as if nothing happened.

After that, my face then began to heat up before my lips became upwards forming a smile.

" you hooligan. " I whispered slightly and get off of the bed before going to the bathroom, taking a shower before going out and wear some cloth and leave.

[ Sara's pov ]

After leaving my chamber I then commanded a nearby maid to take very good care of Hella while I'm away from work because you never know when a predator attacks.

When I'm done with everything I then go and dressed up in my suit before leaving with my car, not before I confirmed that Hella is now got on the car that will escort her toward her school.

Arriving at the company, every employee I passed then bow politely and I nod in response, now standing outside of my office I then push the door revealing a gloomy but cozy feeling in the room but the thing that is to attention is the pile of the paper stack like a mountain on my table.

Seeing all the papers, I just slide my hair upwards, sigh my stressed out glancing at the pack of paper one more time I then just accept the reality and go to my chair and start all of these so I can have a small time to spend with Hella.

And just by thinking about the omega my lips then formed a smile where it disappeared when the door that is blocking outside make a knocking sound.

After hearing the knocking I then heavily sigh and said.

" come in. " after the person on the other side heard it the door then got pushed revealing a beautiful female alpha who is holding a tablet while wearing a tight skirt that is just on the thigh level and also a long sleeve polo.

" what is it? " I ask my secretary who is standing in front of me.

"Pardon if I interrupt you President, but Mr. Chong wanted to talk with you for a while about something that he wanted to talk with you in private. " my secretary said and when I heard that man's name my positivity earlier then became gloomy making my brave assistant shiver.

" where is he? " I ask in a very cold and deep voice.

" Mr. Chong is currently on the first floor waiting for your orders," she said, I just sigh in relief and ordered to let him in where she bowed and left.

In just a minute have passed my door suddenly opened revealing a handsome young male alpha with cold features.

Not even batting an eye on him and when he noticed my difference he then grip his hand making a fist, and when I catch it I just smirk secretly

"What does, sir Chong want from me? " I said still giving my full attention to the paper.

" I...I wanted to propose cooperation with President Zhang because of my unfinished project on the Shishu resort, my project is all about building a villa near it. "_

He said and when I hear it, I then remember part of the storyline, in the original plot after ML Chong dumped Sara at their wedding, his newest project then suddenly got sabotaged making it unfinished and when he find it he then goes to Sara who is depressed and when he knows the situation of Sara, that then gives him a huge advantage to make Sara help him on his project.

And as a dumb person that she is Sara just accepts the deal without thinking twice and gives a huge amount of investment money to Chong.

After Chong has the money, he then dumped Sara the second time after the villa is finished making him a trash compared to smelly garbage.

Looking at him with coldness I then dismissed him before he could even tell me all of the benefits the project will give when four bodyguards came in they all then drag him out making his eyes widen in surprise and teeth grids in anger.

When Chong is now out a shout then echoes in the hallway.

" FUCK YOU, SARA ZHANG NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, I WILL RIP THAT MOUTH OF YOURS!! " Chong shouted making me smirk in amusement.

" ha, .... let's see if you can even touch the ground that I am standing in. " I said before shrugging my shoulder and continuing my work.