Chapter: 8 ABO modern cultivation ( r18 )

Finally outside of the minor's door I then gently grip the hand of Hella and drag her towards my chamber where I push her down on the bed before laying on top of her.

" I want you to be mine Hella. " I said just responding to what my mind is saying and after Hella heard it she then blushed before wrapping her arms around my neck kissing my cheeks gently.

" then I shall be yours. " she said seductively making me more excited that I didn't even notice my facial expression.

Without wasting time I then gave a gentle lick on her glands where she moan lightly, snaking my hand in her thighs towards her cunt making her arch her back.

" Sara~...ahh~.....dont tease me. " she said making me shiver, looking at her misty eyes I then leaned and kiss her passionately.

While fighting for dominance which I win I then adjusted myself and took Hella's left leg in my right arm without anything to say I then shove my finger in her cunt making her yelp in pleasure.

" ahhhhhh~.....dont be rough Sara. " she said to me moaning while her eyes are sliding some tears, leaning in and kissing her cheek I just smile.

" I can't help it. " I said back while smirking making the omega pout.

Caressing her cheek I then took off all of her clothes and when that is finished there she is a goddess who is laying naked in my bed just seeing her like this made my penis hard.

After seeing my erection her eyes then widen before looking at me with pleading.

Kissing her for the last time I then took off my pants where my man burst out, and after Hella sees it she then grabs them gently making me groan before sucking them up and down making my back fall on the bed.

When I was about to cum Hella stop making me whimper, looking at her she then lick her wet fingers while giving me a teasing smirk making me pout in annoyance.

Having enough of her teasing I then jump towards her not having it anymore and just like that I then shove my needy cock in her cunt making her yelp again and again.

After devouring her every second I then took this opportunity to take a risk.

" haaa~ I can't take it anymore Hella~....take all of it. " I said while slapping my cock into her again and again I then shiver before I give her all of my loads of sperm.

After that I then look at her glands, giving them a gentle lick I then open my mouth showing my fangs I then took a hard bite marking Hella as my Omega forever.

And when I bite her she then moan in pleasure before looking at my with her teary eyes.

" your now mine~. " I whispered into her ear after Hella hear it she just smile gently and kiss me on the lips.

" I love you my Qīn'ài de. " hearing what she said sure makes my heart melt really hard.

" I love you more Wǒ wèilái de qīzi. " after saying it I just kiss her and just like that she then falls asleep.

Taking out my twitching cock off her cunt that is jerking after all of the activity that we did I then let my tired body fall into the soft mattress and with a little bit of sparkle, my Omega who passed out is with me making me smile gently.

While adjusting for a while I then peck her cheek before dozing while hugging her in my arms making both of our warmth give us comfort.

When the sun has risen and its light shines the first one who woke up first is Hella who is groaning while trying to sit up after she successfully does it she then scanned the area where she sees her Alpha sleeping peacefully.

Glancing for a bit she then moves slightly making her back ache where she groans and finally she sees her body... covered with Marks, hickey, and bites making her blush in embarrassment.

And when she noticed the marking she then smile gently making a cold hearted person like Sara melt.

After processing everything for a bit she then gets out of the bed and continues toward the bathroom and just a minute later Sara is now groaning while slightly opening her eyes.

Finally doing so she then sit up before getting out of bed and continued toward the bathroom door where she heard water splashing without thinking she then enters where a naked Hella who didn't notice her presence is present beautifully.

Smiling Sara then enter the shower room and gently hug her from behind and proceed to kiss her neck while Hella who is minding her business got surprised at the presence behind her doing.

" your so beautiful my dear~ "

Sara said seductively making Hella shudder while blushing furiously when the Alpha notice the redness of the omega's face she just chuckles before kissing her on the cheek.

"I will be waiting outside. " Sara said taking the omega's hand she then give the back of the palm a kiss before going outside to the disappointment of Hella who now feel empty and just continue what she is doing so she can cuddle with the alpha after this.

While Hella is in the bathroom Sara on the other hand is now talking with her secretary who is giving her information when she is away.

" President, today Mr. Chong buy something in the black market using your identity, I dont know how he does it but he is now going towards the police station to report you with a false accusation. "

Hearing all of it makes my brows narrow.

" but dont worry president, I now have many evidence about his all doing. "

" Good, I will leave everything on your hand secretary Yin. " after that I then hung up and just in time Hella got out of the bathroom wearing only a white robe that is covering her body and a towel that is on her head.

Heading toward her I then pull her into her waist and hug her while laying my head into the crock of her neck sniffing all her sweet pheromones.

And while the two are having a romantic moment secretary yang on the other hand is busy making all the evidence and passing it to the head of police department.

After the head police who is the uncle of Sara receives the report his hands then flench while letting out an aggressive pheromone making all the alpha who is working shiver and also have sweat on their backs.

Commanding all of the elite police to head toward Chong.

He then contacts Sara who is in the car basement garage and was about to go to the company picking up the phone the two then have an uncle and niece conversation before going to the serious one.

After that uncle Zhang then agrees to the request of her niece and assures her that it will be done clean.

" then I will get going now my dear niece after the delivery arrives the other plan will be in your hands and also don't worry about other who is trying to ruin your plans I will take care of all that. "

" then I will get going im still busy here, I will see you soon Sara. "

" yes goodbye uncle. "

After hanging up Sara then goes and turns into serious mode before entering the car and driving off.