Chapter: 7 Time Travel

Waking up opening my eyes and the first thing I saw is the white ceiling and my mind just went blank.

" why am I in bed? " I thought just frozen in my spot before I panic.

Looking around my eyes then notice a figure sitting in the nearby chair.

Looking at the figure my eyes then widen in surprise and I jump out of the bed and run toward the person.

After running a short distance I then hugged the figure and it woke up startled.

I then sob while rubbing my head in her chest before she calms her tensing body and hugs my body softly.

"It's alright Princess, I'm here. " she said in a soft voice where I hummed.

• Valerie's pov •

Rubbing my hand up and down her back, She then calms herself where she falls asleep on my chest.

After a while of sitting with her in my lap, I then carry her toward the bed again, laying her down I then cares her cheek where she unexpectedly smiles and rubs her face gently in my hand, my lips then form a smile because of her cute action.

• few months went by •

After Valerie's recovery, she then got permission to go home and continue to rest with Princess Olivia taking care of her.

And few days passed after Valerie is in good condition she now continue her company that her soldiers taking care of.

While she is busy taking care of papers and having a business plan with another company, Princess Olivia on the other hand is taking care of her study to finish her course to help Valerie.

[ A/N: Princess Olivia's course is Business Managing. ]

• the time of the graduation •

Arriving at the school with Princess by my side we then enter the school and proceed to go to the gym where the announcement was.

While walking towards our destination, we then hold hands that get the attention of the student walking by.

" babe your such a celebrity look at the people staring at you, it's making me jealous. " Princess said while pouting where I lightly laugh.

" don't mind then love, your the only one that I'm fated for. " I said lovingly, hearing it she just smile and lean into me.

And yes we are now dating, it all started when Princess Olivia became clingy when she was taking care of me, and I just let it pass since I thought she was just giving me extra attention because I'm injured but one of my commanders Mishie then came to the apartment and bring alcohol where she shares it with the Princess and since I'm still injured I just say no.

So I just sat in the corner peeling apples while the two just talk and laugh, a few hours then passed Mishie then drop down on the floor fast asleep while her face is burning with redness because of the drink, while the Princess in other hand is just swaying left and right before looking at me with lustful eyes.

Glancing toward me, she then stand up and when I was about to help her she then suddenly pin me down on the floor worriedly shocked I then search if she was hurt or something.

And while I'm looking at every condition in her body she then cupped my face and made me look at her.

" you look beautiful Valerie," she said before licking her lips.

" please dont joke around your highness. " I said where I receive a frown from Olivia.

Unexpectedly she then kisses my lips and roughly sucked them, a few seconds passed by she then parted our lips and switch to my neck where she bite it hard enough to leave a hickey when she look at her art she then smirk proudly and slid her hand in my shirt.

" WHY DID I SUDDENLY BECOME THE BOTTOM?! ╥﹏╥ " I thought in my mind.

[ host got Uno reverse. ] Amin secretly said laughing while looking at the monitor.

I then ready myself on what gonna happened next but everything just quiets down.

Looking at my front I then see the Princess sleeping in my chest.

Pausing at my action I then facepalm myself while a little blush can be seen lurking around my cheeks.

" what did I even expect? " I muttered to myself.

After that I then find myself standing while carrying Princess Olivia in my arms, I then go toward her room where I lay her and just leave her to rest.

When the sun rises I then walk my way to the kitchen where I cook breakfast and while doing so Princess Olivia then pinch the side of my cloth to get my attention.

Turning my head around I then see her blushing while looking down.

" Valerie....ummm...about last night...I apologize. " she said stuttering making my head explode.

" she remembers it. " I said to myself, I then compose myself and embarrassedly laugh.

"It's alright your highness, it's just the common side effect of the alcohol. " I said and we just have a short talk after that we then parted our way blushing.

And it happens every day, whenever our eyes met we just avoid eye contact and walk in another direction.

So when Andrew and Mishie notice it they then interrogate me when we arrive at the company where I tell them what happened and the only thing that the two thought is that.

"you're in love Admiral. " they said in union making me look at them in a shocking expressions. ( ;ↀ⌓ↀ)

And I just blush a minute after they said that.

Inside the apartment the Princesses Olivia, Maria, and the stealth leader Anna.

"I'm in love. " Olivia said while blocking her blushing face in her palm.

" it very obvious Princess that your fall over hells on Admiral, well who doesn't, every noble lady in the empire is also in love because of the manliness and the strength of the Admiral, and not just that she's even beautiful like a fallen angel that is stranded on the earth. " Anna said with confidence making Maria nod in agreement.

" that is right sister, so go and just confess already, if not another person might take her in your palm. " Maria said making Olivia frown when she heard that someday someone might confess to Valerie and after that, they will live happily together while her...what about her...

" I cannot let that happen. " she said making her face darken and eyes flash with obsession making anyone who will glance at it become nervous.

And when Maria and Anna heard what she said they then cheer and laugh.

" yeah that's what you called girl power, we support you Princess, just follow your heart and when someone is seeing the Admiral just leave it to me. " Anna said while drinking soju smiling while Maria just smile gently leaning her head on Olivia.

While the three is having fun in the apartment Valerie who is busy signing paper suddenly stop.

[ ding! Warning! THE HEROINE'S BLACKENING HAS REACHED 64%....A...ADVISING THE HOST TO DECREASE THE NUMBER. ] and after hearing it I simply sat down and lay my back in the chair.

"This is my first blackening in the two worlds so far...sign. " I said to myself.

" Huhuhuhu ╥﹏╥, Oh heaven please don't let Olivia do something bad. "