Chapter: 2 ABO Apocalypse

Inside the hospital, a bloody scene then occurs.

" what are you saying doctor Ian it's the end of the world, at least give us alpha a chance to have fun. " Joey said with a big smile while beating up Doctor Ian that make every male and female Omega back off and take their distances.

After half of the Alpha's hear what Joey said they then look at each other and make a hideous smile that contains lust.

"That's right doctor Ian what Mr. Joey said is very reasonable, it's not like we will live in this world forever. " one of the Alpha who is smiling eager to have fun of one or more Omega's in the lobby then said.

After what he said others then agree and take Joey's side, while the other alpha who have a partner or loved one in the crowd then step out and cover all the Omega in their back.

" no one will touch them in our sight. " an Alpha said frowning at Joey's group.

Just then the two guards appear and hold a couple of knives for protection purposes, and when the other Alpha who is blocking all the Omega saw all of the knives that their now holding, they then feel cold sweat on their backs but didn't leave their position.

" my, even after seeing all the knives on our hands, all of you didn't even flinch, what a bravery, but too bad. " Joey said and charged where others also follow his lead.

And just a couple of hours later, all of the Alpha who is blocking all of the Omega then stumbled on the floor one by one bloody.

" haaa.... All of these shits make me exhausted, let's stop for now, and tomorrow we will start our fun. " Joey said turning around.

" and don't give them food and others guard the back exit and front entrance. " he again said walking on his track with the others.

After they're gone all the Omega then go to their Alphas and treat them while tears slide on their eyes.

" I hope Evelyn and cub cub is safe. " Sieena said clutching her body to reduce the coldness and trying to sleep in the corner.

• Evelyn's pov •

When the sun rises up I then go towards the kitchen, there I see a military bag and equipment help me survive.

"Is this what I purchase, Amin? " I said while inspecting all the equipment and weapons on the dining table.

[ yes host, the heavy pistol has unlimited bullets, all the others have max unbreakable, durability, and strength. ]

" ohh... that's overpowered. " I said while a star formed in my eyes.

"then let's pack up after eating breakfast. " I said before making my food and milk for my baby cub.

Entering the baby room there I see cub cub's big eyes looking at me with silly smile.

" What a greedy cat. " I said chuckling after I hand the bottle to her, patting her head I then took my breakfast and eat it beside the cub who look at me with her boba eyes, I just chuckle and brush the cub's hair.

An hour later after I packed all the goods, water and the cub's things I then dressed up and the cub before putting on the mini jacket to keep her warm, putting her in the baby carrier I then carry the military bag while holding the heavy pistol with the silencer.

Opening the system shop, I then buy the protection shield talisman and attach it to the cub so if ever I encounter some trouble she will be safe and sound.

" let's go and start our adventure in the apocalyptic world. " I said raising my hand that make a fist.

" Abu~. " cub cub then let out while mimicking my action. " making me pat her head while smiling.

Walking towards the barricaded door I then push all the furniture one by one where I step out of the house and look at the grey sky.

Strolling around I then shoot all of the undead that runs towards us making the cub cub clap in happiness.

" Why is our little greedy cat so amused? " I said giving the cub kisses all over her face, where she giggle not stop.

" now let's focus alright. " I said, and simply brush her hair before focusing on my track.

While doing so I then encounter a German Shepherd all bloody on the corner of the street, it had bites and maybe got stepped on when people ran for their life and this dog will possibly die in any minutes or hours.

Walking towards the dog, it then growls and whimpers at the same time, kneeling I then pat its head where it calms down.

" it's alright doggy, I will not let you die. " I said, making a summoning circle I then stand up and chant.

" hear my call, rise one of my commanders. " I said and there I see a 6 feet tall wolf bowing its head.

" child, can you be bound to that pitiful hound and be its half-host. " I said receiving a nod the shadow beast then got sucked to the dog's body where all of its wounds heal quickly and stand up before sitting down obediently.

" I will now name you Gary, I want you to protect my daughter from any harm, alright? " I said where the hound nodded while its tongue out.

" then let us proceed to our travel. " I said patting the dog's head and continuing to walk.

After walking for about an hour, a gunshot then penetrates my ears making me frown.

Going to the sound where it leads me to the school there hear growling and proceeding gun fires.

Peeking at the school gate there I see 15 soldiers desperately trying to push back the horde of zombies to protect the young students that got trapped inside the school building, the soldier number is very little compared to the zombies, even if the guns they have can kill all of the undead but if their ammo is limited and even worse run out then they will be overwhelm and all them will be killed.

" GRRRRR!.... " Gray suddenly snarls with a body position that is ready to attack.

" Abu~ " Cub then points at the commotion before looking at me with her boba eyes.

Grinning I then step out of my hiding spot while gripping my pistol.

" I'm HERE BITCHES!! " I shout while covering the ears of the Cub who is now looking at me confused.

After hearing me shout all the undead, soldiers, and students then look in my direction.

Smiling I then point my pistol towards the zombie who is running towards me.