The Brewing Storms

There was another silhouette at the topmost corner of the palace who was also looking at the vista of buildings. However, his back appeared melancholic and nostalgic as if a part of him was lost, somewhere up above the swirling clouds. Even in a room full of bright lights, he appeared to have burrowed himself deep into the shadows.

Master Luwein, the prime advisor of House Aeron, always had this illusion. No matter how he was surrounded by hundreds of people, the loneliness seemed to have made a pact with his soul. Most people thought he was aloof, someone who disdained everyone; for he was a royal. The kings ought to be like this, they said.

However, Master Luwein knew that there was something more to him, more than the royal blood that represented him. Something they were not qualified to know.

"You came," King Aeron said.

A helpless smile appeared on Master Luwein's face. "Your Majesty, the worries of today's incident have left me deeply troubled about the bleak future. I didn't have a choice but to intrude upon your private chambers." He bowed his head slightly to reveal a shiny bald head.

King Aeron turned around ever so lightly, and said, "No need for all that, Master Luwein. You know that."

"Indeed I do," Master Luwein replied as he raised his head to level a gaze at those deep gray eyes. "But, a king's privacy must be honored. An old man's small apology does nothing to amend the crimes but brings peace of mind."

At that, King Aeron slowly shook his head. "How did it go? How did he react?"

"As the Heir of the House Aeron, I would say outstanding. However, as a child, he was too cold." Master Luwein hesitated before he spoke again, "Is it a right thing to do... Is it right for a child so young to see blood?"

King Aeron walked towards the desk. "The answer to that already lingers in your words. A king must not be foreign to blood, or he might forget its importance. He is a child, however, that won't always be the case. He will have less time to grow up. He must become a man soon who can hold his sword, for a storm is on its way."

"True. The Umbras are the ones to hold grudges..." Master Luwein said in a gloomy tone.

King Aeron gaze focused on the pitch-black Imperial Token which sat grimly over the pale-brown wood. "What do you think about this?"

"It's a beautiful black token, made through a unique imperial forging method. It has many benefits. The civilians of Artidus would respect you as the mighty mage who killed evil. The title would also pass down to the heirs of the next generations. A beautiful black token indeed," Master Luwein replied with a respectful sarcasm.

"I never knew you could joke too. Or perhaps, are you upset, Master Luwein?" King Aeron gently traced his fingers on the dark token. The pale-white made a strange contrast with the dark.

"Your Majesty, don't tease this old man. You already know this is not a simple title. It's a token of chaos and catastrophe. The Imperial Family has stitched a treacherous plot to weaken the House Aeron. Moreover, the other Great Houses might have already made an alliance against us," The more he spoke the more anxious he got.

"Then what would you suggest? Reject it?"

Master Luwein fell silent at that question. He knew the trap was intricately planned without a single flaw. If King Aeron had outright rejected the title bestowed by the emperor himself, it might have angered him. The pride of the emperor could not be challenged. It would just put them in a worse position.

More importantly, the rejection would have seriously affected the reputation of House Aeron. At last, the title had too much importance in the hearts of people. It might have seriously affected their prestige and business across the entire Artidus.

For a moment, only the intruding wind whistled through the white curtains along the bed. The voice of swaying papers mixed along with it, making a strange symphony.

King Aeron accepted the silent reply, turned around to open a drawer, and took out a blank parchment. Putting it beside a small hill of papers stacked one above another, he grabbed a quill pen which seemed to be made up of a beautiful translucent feather of some avian demonic beast with an ice elemental affinity.

Then, he dipped it into a red ink, and started writing with powerful strokes.

Master Luwein kept silent and looked at his graceful back. Every single action of King Aeron had a powerful rhythm to it. The worries he carried with him seemed insignificant at the moment.

After a minute or so, King Aeron's dancing hands stopped, and he took out an ancient seal from his pocket.

Looking at the seal that was almost gleaming with brilliant lights, a chill went down the spine of Master Luwein. The seal was drawn into the shape of a majestic shield. Even though a shield signified defense, there was a bloody aura enveloping the ancient artifact.

It was the insignia of the strongest ground force of one of the four Great Houses of the Artidus Empire. The one which had no equal. The pride and honor of the House Aeron. The Aegis Legion.

Despite the long years of his service in the House Aeron, Master Luwein had never seen the seal being used before. It was said that this seal had only been used for three times during the past centuries. Each time it was taken out, a huge change happened in the Artidus Empire.

Moreover, under the command of King Aeron, it was at the peak of its power. He could not imagine the catastrophe it could bring by a single command.

When he heard about his decision to deploy the Aegis Legion during the assembly, he just ignored it thinking that it was some kind of plan to fool the Imperial Envoy.

He had a lot of doubts but he could only wait for King Aeron to speak first.

Suddenly, he sensed a terrifying mana fluctuations around the room, and quickly looked up to find an astonishing scene.

As soon as King Aeron stamped the ancient seal on the parchment, miniscule yet complicated runes imprinted itself on it. Then, everything returned to normal as if it was just an illusion.

He saw King Aeron stand up from his seat.

Finally he could not help but ask, "My king, is there really a need for this? Have things already reached this point?"

"I don't know, Master Luwein. I hope not. I hope it is just my illusion." King Aeron's gaze once again swept towards the wide and boundless sky. "However, the bad feeling gets stronger and stronger each day."

"Pardon my aging wisdom, but wouldn't deploying Aegis Legion outside our territory be dangerous?"

"They have worked too long as Aegis. Or shield. Now, they shall be our sharpest swords." The weak and lonely aura that stuck around him like a perfume disappeared. He raised his hand which was mysteriously dripping blood. Then, he poured it on the seal as it shone with a red brilliance, greedily drinking the blood.

Soon, it turned dark-red like that of the thick stash of history buried under the foundation of Artidus Empire.

There was a solemnness in his tone and gesture, befitting to a king. "Now, listen to my command!"

Accompanied by a loud sound, Master Luwein kneeled down on the ground. His body was trembling from the anticipation of the upcoming command.

'The Aegis Legion… I am afraid that a big storm is about to erupt in the Artidus Empire. No, the flames might be vast enough to engulf the entire Siara Continent.'

He bowed deeply, and the old slumbering blood in his body boiled with sheer excitement.