The Breathing Technique

It had already become dark outside. After completing the lessons for today, Arvad could finally relax.

'I feel tired.'

The lessons seemed more lengthy to him than usual. Throughout the entire day, he was lost and clueless. He never felt so downcast before.

Drowned in his thoughts, he walked through the old and aristocratic alleys, finally reaching the Flower Sanctuary behind the palace.

Instantly, the smells of thousands of species of flower drifted along the gentle breeze.

'Spicy, sweet, strong… So vivid smells yet they blend up so effortlessly.'

Every species had a history and origin. Some had history which traced far back in the past, while some had origin far beyond the Artidus Empire.

There was not a single flower that could not be found in this few kilometer long Flower Sanctuary.

Every plant possessed a different elemental affinity. Moreover, they had stringent demands like a woman. If you take too much care, they will leave you. However, if you care less, they will still leave you.

So, every plant was divided based on their elemental affinity and characteristics. Mana formations were built around them, exposing them with the mana they need.

The formation burned a tremendous amount of mana stones. So, the huge expenditure used in the maintenance of this colossal sanctuary could be imagined.

Despite all of this, this place remained to be the dearest place of his father and him. On a bad day, he would always find his father wandering around this sanctuary, looking over at every flower with strange melancholic eyes.

Whenever he asked him, why did he like this place so much? He just said, "Because your mother loved flowers. In fact, she loved them more dearly than me."

He remembered the helpless and contemptuous smile on his face. He never saw his father disowning his pride he carried so heavily for someone else.

In no time, curiosity and frequent visits made this place dear to Arvad too. Now, he also found peace here just like his father.

'Mother must be beautiful to make father so love struck. I wonder where she is? Is she alive?'

Despite asking this question many times, his father never gave him any reply. In response, he would just give an empty stare toward the sky.

It made him think that his mother was no longer alive. It was just his father could not accept it yet. It made him disappointed but he did not mention her mother again.

Looking up at the unusually dark sky, he only saw glittering stars. There was no moon so the stars shone much brighter. He had learned the phenomenon from one of his teachers. If not for the burning lamps around the vicinity, he would not even be able to look at his hands.

Soon, Arvad found a spot and sat in a meditative position. Since the world energy was abundant here, it would be easy for him to sense it.

He started practicing the breathing technique taught by the Great Sage. It was said that this was the most basic technique to cultivate the world energy.

Trigger respiratory muscles… three long breaths… hold it in… feel the world energy making its way inside you… the floating warmness… the slight tingle of chest… empty your mind… feel the aortic dilation… increasing blood supply… the world energy circulating within your body… through every corner… feel the power course through your body… try to differentiate the colors in them…

Like a song on autoplay, the lessons of Great Sage rolled in his mind. He did not feel anything at first. Slowly, he felt the warmth flooding his chest, however, till the third time, the warmth disappeared and transitioned into a faint painful sensation.

It left his thoughts in chaos, and he was kicked out of the silent concentration.

'It should not have been like this. Did I do something incorrectly?'

After repeating the technique several times, he felt the pain steadily climbing up, and finally gave up.

"It should not be that I am too stupid to learn even the basic technique, right? I will have to poke Great Sage again tomorrow. I know that old man would mock me first for half an hour before finally teaching me something,"

He mumbled quietly with a grudging expression. He could imagine himself getting humiliated by his teacher tomorrow, and could not help but want to practice by himself to death.

"Your pride seems to be getting bigger than your father already, ha?" A voice filled with love and feigned anger knocked him out of his daze. He immediately recognized it, and a light smile involuntarily formed on his small face.

Opening his eyes, he quickly stood up and turned around only to find a slender silhouette walking over with hands behind her back. Her dainty white toes were raised as she took slow steps, avoiding the wet soil with some mysterious foot work.

As soon as she came closer, the golden light from the lamps fell on her body, masking her beautiful white skin in a golden halo, and revealing a beautiful face.

The emerald gemstone around her ears shone with a unique luster, perfectly matching her green robe as it fluttered elegantly under the melodious breeze.

She had an elegant aura on her, befitting the mistress of Great House Aeron.

She was his mother. Not by blood, however, everything he had ever known about a mother.

In his memories, she was the most gentle lady he had ever known. Despite being not related by blood, she had never let him feel that way.

If not for his father reminding him that she was not his real mother, he might have never known about it.

Looking at her beautiful smile that outshined the thousands of flowers in the vicinity, he could not help but feel pity.

He had seen her waiting outside the room of his father for hours, hesitant to knock despite being married for six years.

The remorse and love in her eyes when she used to look at his father's back.

Despite that, she had never let it be shown on her face.

Here she was, with a face full of smile, and an aura too cheerful to hide the pain that lay beneath.

Arvad gave out a cheeky smile, and replied, "Didn't you use to say that you must outshine your father soon? See I did not disappoint you."

Arvad's witty reply invited a chuckle out of her face, and she came forward, lowered herself to meet his face, and gave his fat cheeks a tight pinch. "Aren't you getting too glib tongued, my little king."

"Ouch. It is you who is getting more pretty with each passing day." She looked angelic with light eyebrows, big eyes, and a sharp jawline. Arvad pretended to appear flabbergasted and lost.

"Let me guess who's teaching you all of this… out of all your teachers, I can only think of Roland."

'Master Roland will surely be spitting blood if he comes to know of this.'

"Why is master Roland having such a bad reputation?" Arvad asked.

"Hmph. You don't need to know. Just learn the right things from him." The disgust could not be hidden in her voice. "Now let's go. I have made you delicious food."

When she looked up, she found that Arvad was already running towards the dining hall. She shook her head and smiled.

Just when she was about to leave, her gaze fell on the serene Flower Sanctuary, and a weird light flashed past her eyes.


Great Sage took deep breaths as he looked at the imposing door. Even though he was much older than King Aeron, he felt a weird hesitation whenever he stood up in his presence.

It was as if his every secret would be stripped off in front of him. The feeling really annoyed him, so he never liked to stay alone in front of him.

"How long are you planning to admire the carvings of this old stone door?"

Great Sage quickly adjusted his facial expression, walked in, and laughed. "I was just afraid of disturbing Your Highness' rest."

"I am afraid your increasing mana fluctuations have already alerted me." King Aeron wore a white sleeping robe as he stood facing him with a gentle smile. "Congratulations on becoming a Grand Mage."

'I knew he would see past me at a glance. But, I did not expect it would not even require a glance. Just how powerful is he?'

"Your Highness, sometimes I feel like there isn't anything in this continent which can mask your vision." Great Sage sighed, and his proud shoulders slumped back as if he had lost a great deal of confidence.

"What you say is wrong, Great Sage. My eyes can look past thousands of meters, however, it still could not look into the future. It still could not look past the treachery of a man."

King Aeron sat down on the bed and lit up a cigar. The gentle smile along the corner of his lips vanished, only to be replaced by a thick worry.

"My King, this one's experience says when you can't look, simply close your eyes, and trigger your sixth sense to the fullest," Great Sage said.

King Aeron closed his eyes in a slight ponder, and exhaled the smoke. Opening his eyes, he gazed at Great Sage, "That's why I knew you will be the best choice for Arvad. How's he performing?"

"He is a fast learner and a child too curious. That's not bad. Magic requires curiosity. I find his mental aptitude to be excellent, and there's not a single thing to complain about his physique either."

King Aeron was silent for a long moment before he exhaled his chaotic breath and slightly bowed his head. "Hearing that from you, I am assured. As long as you are there for him, I can surely say there won't be any obstacle for him on the way to greatness."

"You overpraise this servant. I am not qualified for such a gesture from you," Great Sage hurriedly said.

"I believe that not," King Aeron said. "Has he already become proficient with the basics?"

"Yes, Your Highness. I am sure you will be surprised by his excellent performance."

"Very well. Prepare for the hunt sooner."

"T-that…. Wouldn't that be a little extreme since he hasn't even awakened?"

"I think otherwise, Great Sage. I believe only a cruel destiny is the best forger for a warrior. It's like a hammer that beats metal into a fine sharp sword."

"What you say is true, but sti-" Great Sage wanted to convince him, but he was cut midway.

"That's all. I would rather he die under the beast's sharp claws rather than being tortured by the enemy only to die a crueler death."

The lazily drifting smoke from the cigar was sent into unbearable frenzy as the windows creaked with strong wind.

Great Sage had a great change in expression, and at the end, he decided to speak no more. "As you wish, Your Majesty."

With that, he turned around to leave, when a voice interrupted him once again.


He looked back, waiting for him to speak.

"Don't have him wear the royal armor…"

"Are you sure?" Great Sage hesitated.


The emotionless voice echoed before a solid thump of closing door echoed in the room. Then, it was enveloped in the former silence.

Only the gentle wind broke it from time to time.