Sage Acheros

On the periphery of the Darkwood Forest.

There were two silhouettes rapidly running under the shadows of giant trees, and below them lay thousands of years of desolateness.

Both of them wore black robes, one even going as far as wearing a weird mask.

"Hey, can't you slow down yet? We have been running for hours already." Arvad complained between his rushed breathing. Even his voice was hoarse due to the exhaustion. "How long till we reach there? I am afraid my legs won't be able to hold on any longer."

"We should be there soon." Suddenly, Roy stopped running out of the blue, compelling Arvad to quickly slow down so as to avoid an embarrassing collision.

Seeing Roy's reaction, he immediately heightened his senses to the max and cautiously looked around. But, even after scanning the vicinity, he couldn't find anything.

Just as Arvad was about to question Roy, he saw him kneeling down and touching the muddy ground. Being unable to comprehend his strange action, he decided to observe silently.

At that moment, Arvad felt a gentle breeze fleeting past him. Everything around him seemed to be changing, the fallen dead leaves seemed to be more alive. While the wind became even more cheerful, drunk in the allure of mysterious mana.

The gestures of nature were faint, but Arvad, who had trained his senses, could notice the abnormality. Back at the Aeron Palace, he could never feel those tiny changes, but here in the embrace of nature, he could perceive this miraculous and transcend connection.

'Is this mana?'

Gazing at Roy's hand which was avoided by the tiny dust particles, he knew that he had called upon something that transcended the laws of nature. An entity which could bend every element known to the world.

Even though Arvad couldn't feel it yet, it gave rise to the feeling of awe and deep curiosity in his heart.

'I really look forward to the day I can finally touch you.' He silently remarked.

While Arvad was lost in his own thoughts, an unknown fluctuation appeared from the ground. He immediately turned to look, and the scene caused his eyes to widen. A thick line began to emerge on its own from the point where Roy was standing. It didn't seem to stop, and became a few meters long in a matter of seconds.

"What the hell is it? Some kind of magic formation?" Arvad couldn't mask the shock and surprise he felt after watching the weird scene. It was too vague and mysterious.

Roy turned around, and seeing Arvad's surprised look, he smiled. "What you see here is called 'Acheros Vetiti'. It was a border made by the late Sage Acheros, who is known to be one of the strongest mages of all time. As per legends, thousands of years ago, his son entered the Darkwood forest to never return."

He sighed when he spoke till here. "Lost in grief and anguish, he slashed out a border which divided Darkwood from Artidus. It's as long as the Darkwood forest, which touches hundreds of kilometers of Artidus' border. It's said that the attack caused the earth to shatter and divide into two. But, after such a long time, only his faint yet stubborn aura remains. Despite that, the beast does not dare enter beyond Acheros Vetiti."

"How powerful! Was he even a human?"

"He was, infact, an exceptional one at that. He burned his life force for that single attack, and died a few years later. A pity that such a great sage was gone just like that, but his fatherly love remains immortal." There was a rare nostalgic expression on Roy's face.

Arvad turned silent after hearing that. He wondered what his father would do if he were to fall here. 'Would he also grieve for me like this?'

Hearing Roy's serious voice again, he shook off the meaningless thoughts and became focused.

"Anyway, we have reached our destination. From here, the Darkwood forest begans. It's not gonna be the arena of friendly spars you are used to. A single mistake means eternal sleep. Even the silent shadows screams of danger, and anything including creatures smaller than an ant could kill you thousand times over with their poison."

"I understand," Arvad took a deep breath and replied.

"Good that you do," Roy said. "This point onward, your journey shall be devoid of any company. I will take my leave. We meet here again after the span of three days."

Knowing that it was time to part, Arvad clenched his fist around the sword, and nodded his head.

Seeing his stiff body, Roy thought he was scared, and couldn't help but mock. "What? Scared kid?"

However, Arvad's response surprised him. "I am not scared, but excited. Finally, I can fight to my heart's content."

Roy gave him a side glance, and muttered, "There's madness running deep in the Aeron bloodline." Sighing, he continued, "Okay kid, I will take my leave."

Before he could turn around, Arvad yelled. "Wait! There's something that puzzles me. Why do you keep calling me kid? You are the only one who dares address me like that. Not that I mind it. I was just curious. Do you not fear the consequences if someone were to know of this?"

Roy stopped. "I didn't swear my loyalty to the royal blood. Your father convinced my sword with strength, and my mind with his wisdom" He slightly turned his head, revealing his sharp jawline. "And you lack both the things, kiddo."

With that, his silhouette flashed and he disappeared in the silence of the forest.

Arvad was stunned for a second, and then seemed to realize something. "It won't be long before your sword changes its owner, haha."

Looking at the vista of trees in the distance, his firm feets crossed the forbidden line.

Soon after, Roy appeared at the place Arvad stood not long ago. There was a hint of expectation in his eyes,

"I'll excitedly await that day, arrogant kid." Shaking his head, his face soon turned serious, and he quickly rushed somewhere, leaving no signs of his departure.