CH17: In The Fallback

Helen stared out into the shifting tree line where the eyes of night's monsters watched and waited for a sign of weakness. Long figures of the stickmen race gazed blindly under the full moon. Their opaque faceless gaze reflected brightly with moonlight driving them further into the dark of the forest. Some white dress-wearing banshees peaked behind trees, curious of their group and easy pickings if her partner was home. She spotted the blonde hair and angular faces of vampires attracted by her scent but too proud to claim her. A diseased demon rat was snatched by the silent talons of a giant owl before it took the monster to be eaten in its nest. Giant bats flew about the forest drawing closer with their disease-filled bites, eager to infect tamers with madness and death. Only there was a line they didn't dare cross.

Alice sat upon a stump like a queen on a backless throne. Power radiated from her in waves unlike any rank 1 Helen had ever heard of or even rank 2s. The black dragon type had eaten her fill of goblin qi and turned the lives of her tribe into fuel. She was ready to reach the next rank and widen the gap as the most powerful member of the harem. Alice was Zoran's best girl, which was never clearer than when she saw the armor.

Her goblin nose could smell rare metals and ores, and her mind could easily calculate how much Alice's armor could be worth in an auction. Upon ruminating on the steel's scent, she concluded she didn't like it. It involved a rumor that the armor supported.

Long dark steel plates etched with scripts made to improve dragons and cursed by the night from ore mined in the dug-out mountain of Woodall to empower Alice even further. Indeed she could taste the taint from the steel from across the room and placed it at the cursed mountain that was no more. A primordial dragon legendary Alice's own line had done the deed that empowered the black dragon drake so enviously. She smelled the night and dragon qi mixed so that no other than a black dinofu and her evolutions could use weapons and armor made from the cursed ore. Human traders must have bought the armor from a tamer who hid the origin of the armor. Helen's own mother was sold to buy such a powerful tool. That wasn't something a new tamer should be able to purchase or would dare to. It was another point in favor of Alice being the best girl while Helen, despite being a white goblifu, was only second best.

Helen sucked in a breath and let it out. With Alice on guard, she didn't have to worry about monsters raping her. And she was stressed, twitching, and Zoran didn't give her attention before he left. So, it was his fault she felt high-strung.

No one liked her except for her partner, and she wasn't sure if he wasn't harboring some distaste for partnering with a goblin. Helen knew she was considered a trash waifu. Even her father was beaten by a rank 0 tamer. He was three ranks above Zoran and still lost what hope did she have of doing better. Alice didn't like her because she wasn't outgoing, and Lily didn't like that Helen always got sex from Zoran after Alice.

The Tsufu made it known that she didn't appreciate the heat scent Helen left on Zoran's member. She leaned against the support beam of the dwelling she built. Building things always made her feel better, and after Zoran left to get another waifu, she had time and energy to burn. She tore down trees and hardened or softened the earth to bind the dwelling to the ground. Thanks to her partner, she had more qi to burn than normal. But she wasn't like Alice or Lily; her skills weren't made for offensive combat, and the earth was stubborn at the best of times.

Helen grabbed the waistband of her shorts and pulled them down over her moonlit golden thighs. She flexed powerful muscles, and her white panties descended. To reveal the hairless dark gold of her swollen lips, puffy and twitching in need of her partner to save her. With hands strong enough to uproot trees, she gently brushed a digit across her lips and shivered. It wasn't the mind-numbing pounding of her partner, but it was a step in the right direction. She gently eased her fingers along her labia to feel what she liked and found herself easing against her throbbing clit. Touching it electrified her body and nearly dropped the goblifu on the spot.

"Simps," Alice yelled as Helen managed to breach herself with the end of her digit.

The heard cackling before one of the walls she spent hours building up splintered, revealing the grinning visage of a horse-headed rank 2 simp. Disgust and outrage mixed together in a potent cocktail as she felt her cheeks heat up.

She tried to pull up her panties as the donkey-toothed smile of the simp grew wider. His large tongue lulled out as mucus-filled saliva splattered the simp's grey-furred chin. Then the beast's lips parted, and his teeth clacked shut as he sniffed the air. Helen couldn't move as the simp ripped his own clothes off.

"Have no fear, milady; I'm here to save you from the barbaric system the tamers forced you into. After you go donkey, everything feels wonky." The simp said and cackled to himself.

Helen heard fighting outside and knew Alice was busy. She heard screaming, and something wet hit the ground. She didn't know what she could do against a rank 2, even if he was a simp. Help wasn't coming, or it would be too late if it did. Another thought struck her.

"What does it matter? My tamer already has what he wants from me." Helen said and felt all hope leave her.

She watched the simp's donkey member drag across the ground before rising up covered in dirt and swelling. Clear fluids as its head bulged obscenely. It would never fit, and if it did, her partner wouldn't want her anymore. The monster between the simp's legs was much larger than her partner's and sickening. It was dirty, too big to be pleasant, and worst of all, it belonged to a simp.

Helen's mind went to the last week of her life and the attention her partner gave her. She remembered the kisses and sweet nights sleeping together. He killed so many of her people, but to Helen, he was her partner. Their link made him a part of her just like she was a part of him; betraying him was like betraying herself but worse.

All this time, she had been trying to break his line when she should have focused on fucking his brains. Instead, despite the danger she put him in, he helped her heat every night. That wasn't what someone done with her would do.

She activated Giant Power and felt her body toughen up to the maximum. She could not win, but she wouldn't give a simp the satisfaction. Helen grabbed a log and swung it like a club, only for the simp to raise an arm. The log stopped dead in its tracks while an aura of Nix Power radiated from the simp.

The simp ranted. "I thought you were different. Why couldn't you let me help you? I would have loved you more than your tamer ever could have. I'm bigger than he is, we could have taken our time and had a moment, but you ruined it."

The fiend's member hardened even more, and tiny tentacles oozed from the rip before falling apart at the ends into wiggling giant sperm cells. She shivered at the thought of one of those getting inside of her. It would create a rank 2 chimera inside of her.

Helen backed away from the simp slowly to keep him from charging. She didn't know what to do until her foot hit something. The simp waved his hand, and the shadows twisted, becoming tangible things that quickly grasped her. She reached out with all her might as her legs were wrenched apart.

"Alice," Helen cried before shadows covered her mouth. The jackass simp grinned with big flat teeth before it grabbed its own massive pole.

"There will be none of that now; let me get it nice and wet for you." They watched the simp lick and slurp on his own donkey cock while spurts of thick white pre cum filled his mouth. Helen watched as the simp grabbed her knees before letting his massive bulbous cock fall between her legs.

Helen hardened further than ever before and threw a live grenade at the donkey.


The jackass simp screeched the sound in animalistic surprise before the shadows loosened around her arms and legs enough to curl into a ball. She felt shrapnel pepper her body as she was sent flying into the corner while the simp protected itself with shadows.

As the dust cleared from the explosion, she saw the jackass simp whole and alive, covered in shadows. Her surprise attack wasn't enough. There wasn't anything she could do as the shadows faded around the donkey simp. The donkey took a step forward, member hard as ever before, a long pink tongue wrapped around his neck.

Lily had come up behind the donkey simp and tried her best to choke the life out of him. "Don't stop, Lily; you can do it." Helen cheered despite herself. Unfortunately, it was not to be.

The simp grabbed her tongue and swung her into the wall. Helen heard the hard thump and saw the tongue loosen around the simp's throat.

"Choking me while I get it on. How did you guess my kink?" The simp said as he approached Helen. But this time, the shadows didn't grab her. Instead, he seemed to guess her thoughts. "Oh, I'm not going to bother with that bondage shit. Scream if you want to, I'm going to fuck you now." The simp said.

"Our partner would already be balls deep by now," Alice said as she descended the stairs, calm as ever.

"He'll be able to fit his balls in too when I'm through with you. I hope you enjoy gaping." The simp said.

Alice didn't pay the donkey simp any attention. "Helen, Lily, are the two of you alright? I was so busy taking out the trash outside that I overlooked that some came in through the back. Thank you for gathering it up for me." Alice said.

"Don't ignore me." The simp yelled and thrust his hand forward. Shadows leaped up to his call and fell into Alice's armor.

"Do you like my armor? It was a gift from my tamer. He's amazing, and his dick is the perfect size for us. We can't get enough, and some of us get seconds." Alice said and looked between Helen and Lily. "But I don't mind; they are my harem sisters, and I love them," Alice said, and suddenly Helen felt like she didn't understand the dinofu.

The simp had already backed up to the hole he entered from. Everyone in the room knew why. Black flames radiated from Alice's claws with a skill Helen had never seen before. The darkness around Alice grew deeper and reptilian eyes appeared in the corner of Helen's vision before vanishing. Alice was practically knocking on the door of rank two, and she would hit it as a powerful example of one.

She watched the simp go through a myriad of emotions before a glint appeared in his eyes. "We'll see how cooperative you are when I kill your master." The simp said before Alice crossed the distance.

Her claws blasted through the simp's chest, only for it to disperse into shadows.

"Ribbit, we should go after him," Lily said.

Alice glanced at the tsufu, her expression unknown through the visor. "Why would we do that when he's running towards his death? His qi reserves are drained, and he's slow to recover them without the link to a tamer. He'll die to our partner if they meet. So why should we disobey our tamer to go after one doomed simp?" Alice said.

Helen was stunned by the utter confidence in Alice's words and decided to go with it. She was wrong about Alice and Lily, so maybe she was worried over nothing. Zoran had survived her father, one of the strongest monsters in the forest. He was more cunning than a chief who ruled goblins. She was sure the simp would walk into a clever ambushing thinking he's cornered their partner.