Chapter 2

Location:『Throne room, ???』

Time:『0000 Hours』

Inside of a large throne room, a man, somewhere around his late 50s and early 60, sat on a hand-crafted golden throne. He was wearing fancy clothing that is considered expensive, matching a golden crown with diamonds on his hand. The man was reading some pieces of paper that were a mixture of Geek, and Spanish. Inside the throne room was quiet.

But, silence will not last long as a bright golden light appears out of nowhere. The man immediately covered his eyes to block the bright light, the light lasted for a few minutes before slowly fading away. The doors of the throne burst open as many guards with steel armour similar to the middle ages of kingdoms/empires of Earth, entered fully and had their weapons out.

A man in his 40s with a red cape walked in front of the other guards, "Your majesty! Are you alright? There was a bright golden light that appeared out of nowhere! The soldiers were immediately mobilized to check if we were getting attacked." The man said.

The majesty looked at the man, "Captain Conomor, find where that golden light came from first thing in the morning!" The majesty said.

"As you wish, King Leon." Captain Conomor said, bowing down with the soldiers beside him. Captain Conomor turned to face the other guards. "Let's prepare men, we must find the source of that bright golden light for King Leon, and the Empire of Ursus!"

Captain Conomor leaves the throne room with the other guards, the king of Ursus strokes his white beard while thinking about the golden light. "Hmmm, that golden light must be a work of a powerful mage or something else."


Location:『Bedroom, ???』

Time:『0000 Hours 』

A very beautiful woman was sitting down in front of a large mirror brushing her very long silver hair as she sang an unfamiliar song. The woman's voice was very beautiful and relaxing to listen to. However, singing was cut off very short as the same bright golden light appeared.

The woman blocked the brightness of the light, moments later, the bright light slowly disappears and the woman can see clearly now. The doors of the bedroom were immediately opened by a group of maids as well butlers with worried faces. "Your highness! Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" A maid asked.

The woman faced the group and smiled, "I'm fine, I'm fine. I did not get hurt." The woman said, the group of maids and butlers sighed in relief seeing their highness is alright. The woman picked up the brush on the floor, she stared at it for a few moments then faced the group, "Tell the troops to check if we are getting attacked by another Kingdom or demons or bandits. I also want them to check on our citizens if they were hurt from that mysterious golden light."

"Yes, your highness!" The group said together, bowing down to the woman before leaving the bedroom to do what they were tasked to. The woman looked out of the window wondering where that light came from and who or what caused it to appear.


Location:『Forest, ???』

Time:『0000 Hours』

A handsome man with pointy ears was sitting down under a glowing teal colored tree surrounded by fireflies too, the man was clearly what people call an "elf" a type of humanoid beings that are able to live for thousands of years, some possess powerful magic and their signature feature having beautiful or handsome faces.

The man was meditating peacefully until the bright golden light appeared. The man used his arm to block out the brightness while he turned his head away, when the light disappeared he lowered his arm as a group of other male elves came to the man with spears and bows ready. "My king! Are you alright? That bright light appeared out of nowhere. We thought we were getting attacked." A male elf said.

The King elf breathes in and out. "Calm down my fellow brother, I did not injure myself. Go tell the elders about the golden light because a legend has come true." The King said, shocking the group of elves because they knew what he was talking about. "My king! Are you referring too…"

"Yes, my brother. The nation that once ruled this world and was lost, has finally returned." The King elf said, the group of elves immediately ran back to their Kingdom to tell the elders as the king elf looked up at the night skies filled with bright, shining stars. "Oh heavenly Goddess, I wonder what your plans are for us. The Eplax Empire and its people."


Location:『Throne room, ???』

Time:『0000 Hours』

Inside of a more dark and grim throne room, a man in his 30s was sitting down on a throne made out of swords similar to the throne from "Game Of Thrones". The man had his eyes closed as he rested on the throne until the bright golden light appeared.

The man instantaneously opened his eyes, not because of the brightness, but the feeling he felt from the golden light. It was something near divine like angels or saints. The man looked at the bright light as it slowly disappeared, the man hummed to himself before going back to resting on his sword throne.

Few minutes after the bright light appeared, a man wearing a long robe entered the throne room while carrying some scrolls in his hands. The man immediately bowed down in front of the man on the throne. "My lord! I have brought reports!" The man said, the man on the throne opened his eyes to look at the man wearing the long robe. "What is it, Dangelo?" The man on the throne said.

"My lord! Your glorious powerful army is nearly finished preparing for the invasion of the Kingdom of Ugrus! We have estimated it will going to be in 2 months until preparations are done." Dangelo reported. "And uhh… There's a mass panic around the kingdom due to the mysterious bright light leaking out some kind of holy aura. However! Don't need to worry because we have calmed the people down before any chaos arose."

"Good… Soon the kingdom of Ugrus will mine…" The man on the throne said.


Location:『Azur Lane, Park』

Time:『0030 Hours』

Ivan woke up minutes later after the golden light engulfed the whole Azur Lane island and knocked everyone unconscious simultaneously. He was greeted by a message from his Panel appearing out of nowhere.

『Welcome to the world of Terra, Ivan Reznov』