A building is a divine level danger?!

[Host has been detected to be in the Abyss. The System recommends Host to leave immediately.]

[Host is near the bottom level of the Abyss. Host is advised to leave as soon as possible.]

[The System has detected a presence rushing toward Host. Calculating danger level…]

[Level of power… monstrous. Danger level… divine. It is strongly suggested that the Host commit suicide.]

Jacob was incredulous, unable to believe what he was witnessing. Why was the System urging him to kill himself? What exactly is a divine danger level? Many thoughts raced through his mind.

He desperately wanted to warn Old Dragon and flee, but he could not. How was he going to explain the existence of the System? How was he supposed to explain that there was something inside his head warning him of the impending danger?

He was well aware that they were in a perilous situation, as they stood inside a cave in the Abyss. The cave also had a single entrance, and outside was the pitch black abyss. Even if he attempted to flee on his own, how would he be supposed to get to the upper level?

Outside the cave, there was no sense of direction. He could not flee alone, and he could not warn Old Dragon. There was really nothing he could do. He felt helpless, like a chess piece in a world of giants, with no role other than to keep walking until he was killed.

The silver dragon continued walking toward the cave's depths, oblivious to the thoughts in the little dragon's head and the impending danger. The scent of the baby dragon grew stronger and stronger with each step they took, showing that they were getting closer to her location.

The Old Dragon still had his doubts regarding this cave. He was aware of the truth about this region. The Abyss, once the capital of the old Empire, Karma, utterly destroyed by the Grand War between the Gods and the high human race.

During his childhood, he remembered hearing stories about the powerful dragons who in the past had joined the ranks of the Divine Army and their feats. They slaughtered the high humans as if they were livestock.

Every one of these dragons had a statue built in Emperor Peak, and they were long praised as powerful warriors to the point that all young dragons aspired to be like them. Even the Old Dragon himself wished to travel back in time and fight alongside his ancestors against the Empire.

Even though the human tales spoke about how the Gods feared the dragon race, in reality, the Gods and the dragons were not enemies. Since both of them were peak powers, sometimes there was a slight animosity, but almost always, they were indifferent toward each other.

However, there was a time in which the dragon race and God race formed an alliance. It was during the Grand War. The Divine Army of the Gods was suffering heavy casualties in the face of the Empire's forbidden artifacts, and the Gods needed reinforcements in order to continue fighting.

As a result, the Gods approached the dragon race. They told them things like, "After we die, your Dragon Gods will be the next to be impaled." and "With the Empire's current might, it is only a matter of time before the dragons become extinct."

And, little by little, the Gods persuaded the dragons to fight for their cause. This brought despair to the Empire's Army, as they never expected to be fighting against dragons, whereas the Divine Army was filled with pride and arrogance.

Each dragon was powerful enough to wipe clean an entire battalion, and they quickly became the key figures of the Grand War alongside the Gods. A few years later, Karma was destroyed and the Impaler of Gods fell, killed by her own divine spear.

If it had not been a direct order from the Clan's Head, the old silver dragon would not have come to this cursed place. Their children went missing a year ago, when their eggs were being transported from the Ancestral Spring to Emperor Peak.

The Ancestral Spring, where the Ancient Dragons soaked in water themselves while mating. Over the years, the water had grown warm and mystical, rich in mana, fogging the surroundings with its steam.

Every 20 years, all of the major clans would send their offspring to the Ancestral Spring in order to bathe in the magical water. It was said that it could increase the lifespan and the aptitudes of the young dragons, thus strengthening them.

It was still unknown what individual or clan attempted to intercept the Dragonson Clan's offspring, but somehow, their eggs ended up in one of the worst possible places: the Abyssal Forest.

The average lifespan in the Abyssal Forest was eight years. This was the reason for the low level of the beasts living in the forest. The forest forced the creatures to quickly mature and reproduce in order to avoid extinction, resulting in a large number of mutated beasts.

In other words, it was a dangerous place where the pair of dragon siblings would almost certainly die.

The absence of the Dragonson Clan's descendants for an entire year had already heightened tensions in Emperor Peak. Even if the Old Dragon returned with the descendants being safe and sound. It was enough to tell the Head that they were in the Abyssal forest to stir a war.

After a few hours of walking, Jacob and the silver dragon arrived in a vast cavern with no end in sight. The walls were covered in larger crystals than the ones back in the cave, and a bizarre sight stretched out in front of their faces.

A magnificent and incredible white palace, with soaring walls and towers that reached the cavern's ceiling, presented itself in front of the pair of dumbfounded dragons.

'Where the hell did this palace come from?' Both of their minds yelled at the same time.

Strangely, the scent of the baby dragon was emanating from its interior.