Sonu is Me

"You… Are you my brother? How did you get to be so big?!" Now he realized that his sister had only seen him when he was a baby dragon.

The first time Jacob saw her was during the time when the Old Dragon took her away from the palace.

His sister, on the other hand, most likely did not notice him at the time. She had been busy with the giant silver dragon who was allegedly kidnapping her.

Later on, the Old Dragon left him to look after the little dragon girl while he was facing the Impaler of Gods. According to his memories, she was unconscious the entire time.

When did she first notice him? And actually, how did she know he was her brother? He had not considered this question until now.

He guessed that when he passed out, the Empress would have taken him to the palace, where his sister would have seen him. But how did she know he was her brother?

"Duh, I know what you are thinking!" The little female dragon stood on two legs and crossed her arms, pouting. "After taking you to the palace, big sister Ella told me we were blood related… That is how I know you are my brother!"

She suddenly moved closer to him. "Big brother, big brother, tell me. How did you get so big? Can I do the same thing? I do not want to be small, I want to be as big as my big brother."

She was staring at him with wide open achromatic eyes and a broad and radiant smile on her face.

Jacob's thoughts froze. His sister was so adorable that his body began to shake as he felt compelled to rush over to her and envelop her in a tight hug.

"I-i… well…" Jacob placed his claw horizontally under his nose and closed it, coughing twice. "Enough with your teary eyes! If you behave well and do not try to run away again, big brother will tell you."

When the little dragon heard her big brother's words, she broke eye contact and looked at the side while using the air she just inhaled to inflate her mouth.

Jacob could tell she was trying to convey her dissatisfaction to her big brother, but he did not care. He did not know which one of the two had been born first, but at least mentally he was the oldest.

He also was bigger and stronger. It was clear that he had to be the one to act like an adult and not spoil her, despite the fact that the latter was proving difficult for him.

However, Jacob could see that if he yielded to her little sister's cuteness, it would only lead to trouble. He was sure that after telling her, she would leave straight away to level up.

She also possessed a magic artifact that made a baby dragon much faster than a young dragon. With his current agility points, he could not catch up to her.

Since she ran away from the glade, Jacob had been thinking nonstop about the free stats allocation points he had spent.

At times like these he regretted his obsession with magic. He should have spent more points on agility…

If he had not spent so many points on magic and instead spent them on agility, catching up to his little sister's speed would be as simple as slicing bread.

As a result of his inability to keep up with her speed, Jacob was forced to bind her to him by using the secret to grow bigger. He had no intention of telling her any time soon.

"Hmph! Fine!" She took a firm step on the ground with her foot. "Sonu will not run away. Sonu will stay with her big brother!"

Jacob sighed in relief when he heard her words, only to be stunned when he realized what she had said. "What? Sonu? Who exactly is Sonu?"

He usually had difficulties with understanding what the kids were saying. He never had to deal with children as a human.

Not even in his house, because his mother looked after them. Human children were vastly different from baby dragons, yet they both spoke and spelled in the same way.

It was not exactly hard to understand, but he needed a couple seconds for his brain to fully register what he had heard.

"Sonu is me, and I am Sonu!" Sonu arrogantly laughed as she lifted her chin and placed her claws in her hips. "It is the name my big sister gave me when I was born."

"Big sister said I reminded her of the Moon, so she named me after the name of the Moon in an ancient language." Sonu smiled brightly.

Jacob's heart melted when he saw his little sister smile. Sonu could be a bit annoying and troublesome, but he also thought she was very cute.

It was also his first time having a younger sister, as his mother only seemed to give birth to boys. He had never known what it was like to have a little sister.

'No wonder that witch had agreed so readily to the brat leaving with you. In ancient times she was famous for becoming so annoyed when the night came that she attempted to destroy the Moon.' The Macho System acknowledged.

However, Jacob's face fell when he heard what the manly voice of his Macho System said. Coughing, he cursed his System in his heart.

He had just been so happy a moment ago, and his d*mmit System had to ruin it. Even if the Empress found Sonu annoying, she was her little sister and he had to protect her.

Suddenly, Jacob heard a robotic voice in his mind. It initially reminded him of the times before his System turned into a macho man.

However, after fully hearing what the voice had to say, he was sure of it. He had just gotten a notification from the System, and it was in its usual neutral voice.

[Annihilation Passive Magic Skill activated. It has temporarily increased the magic power, the strength, the agility, and the toughness by 1%.]

[Annihilation Passive Magic Skill activated. It has temporarily increased the magic power, the strength, the agility, and the toughness by 3%.]