Chapter 11

I kept staring at the ceiling for the last ten minutes without blinking. My mind kept repeating the events of the last night and I couldn’t wipe away the awful scene from my head.

Jessica’s raisin body kept coming back to my mind and I would shiver. What the hell would have caused this? She looked like that black dried fruit my mom loved to eat. What was it called? Was it prune?

I think so; she bought it all the way from Turkey or something after one friend of hers had said that it would make her skin glow and look younger. Yeah, she was obsessed with stuff like that.

I turned to the other side of the bed and closed my eyes. Even though I was mentally tired, physically I felt great, which was weird.

I had one of my best nights’ sleep yesterday and it makes me feel ashamed. Someone was murdered yesterday and I woke up energetic and fresh.

There was a knock on the door and I sighed before answering. “Come in.”