“You of all people should know not to touch what isn’t yours, Johnson. Sapphire isn’t yours to abuse.”
The vampire mused while walking toward the alpha, who was still hurting the witch.
“He has a thick skull lord Crispin. You might need to beat those words inside his head literally.”
The witch sneered and snatched her arms away.
The vampire lord walked leisurely to her and caressed her wounded arm, then raised it to his lips.
He licked the few blood drops with closed eyes and when he opened them; they were red.
Benjamin gasped, and I clamped my hand above his open mouth. I think it was the first time for him to see a tainted one.
Alice signed. ‘This is turning ugly, Ria. I’m not sure now if we can help them. This vampire looks dangerous and powerful too.’
I sighed. Finally, she understood the situation. Thank the goddess or whoever was up there watching us.
‘Yes, he is. If he ever found us or knew about you Al, it will end badly for you.’ She nodded and I hated myself for doing this.
I shouldn’t scare her, but that girl has no self-preservation at all. If anybody knew her true identity and how powerful she was, they would do anything to control her.
And something is telling me that this lord Crispin would raise hell to put his hands on her.
Two crawlers stood on each side of Johnson and he started to sweat profoundly.
“My lord, I was trying to scare her, that’s all. I would never lie to you or would harm such a precious female. I know how important she is to you.”
He swallowed heavily and tried to sidestep the creatures, but they closed on him.
“Oh, my dear, dear Johnson. I know that you are loyal to me and my coven, and you would never harm my property. But please next time don’t touch what is mine.”
He snarled the last sentence and I shivered involuntarily. He was a handsome male and smelled so good, but his sweet honey voice was cold and detached.
The vampire turned around and looked at the humans with a soft smile on his face.
“Now tell me, what did you get me this time?”
Benjamin shook his body and walked towards the humans who huddled on each other after seeing the two crawlers. I don’t blame them; they were ugly and scary.
“I got you what you have asked for, a virgin human female.”
He disappeared inside a small tent on the right and came out dragging a sobbing girl. She looked barely fourteen.
The vampire circled her and hummed, and the girl whimpered and tried to inch away.
“Oh, don’t worry my dear, I would never harm you. I’m not like that animal, trust me.” The girl whimpered but stopped moving.
“Would you please give me your hand?” He asked her tenderly, and the girl looked around her with wide eyes.
The vampire lord tsked, then took her hand into his and raised it to his nose. He inhaled deeply, and then smiled.
“What is your name, my dear, and how old are you?” He asked the girl while caressing her pulse soothingly.
“My... My name is Gina and I’m fifteen. I'm not sure It is hard to know stuff like that now.”
She spoke in a small voice and the vampire hummed, pleased.
“Aha, that’s great would you please allow me to taste your blood. I will take only one drop, and I promise it won’t hurt you.”
The girl nodded silently, and he gave her a small kiss on her knuckles, then nicked her thumb and licked the drop that fell.
He patted her head and smiled.
“You can go to your tent and gather your belongings; we will go back to my territory.”
He turned back to Johnson and glared at him. His calm mask was slipping away.
“I asked you to bring me, virgin humans, yes, but I didn’t ask you to get me under ages, mutt.”
His hand clutched the wolf’s neck and squeezed.
“My lord. I tried, but you know it is hard to find what you fancy. I found this girl by luck. If you look around, you would see the rest of the humans that I had caught.”
He said while fighting to breathe; the vampire snarled and pushed him back.
He then turned around and closed his eyes then inhaled. For a few seconds, he stood still as a statue; his face was graced with a serene smile. He looked like savoring something.
“Ah, I can smell her again. The little morsel that has been teasing my senses and mind for a few days now. My mouth waters just by smelling her faint traces.”
Benjamin tried to speak, but he couldn’t. My hand was still on his mouth. He mumbled something incoherent, and I shook my head.
I shuddered and looked at him, then Alice.
My pup’s eyes were big and frightened. The vampire was talking about one of us. I’m not sure who, but this isn’t good.
Vampires were like dogs with bones. If they caught one, they will never let it go. Wolves like to hunt and pursue their prey, but they knew when to give up.
Vampires were different when they smelled a blood they liked. They would never let you ever go, and if they caught you, you will be forever their slave.
They were stubborn creatures that would die in hopes of owning what they want, especially if it was delicious blood.
They won’t kill you no; they would imprison you until death takes either one of you. The goddess would be blessing you if you were the one to leave first.
Johnson looked at him, confused. “What do you mean, my lord? Does anyone here in my camp appeal to you?”
The vampire opened his still red eyes and chuckled.
“It is nothing; there is no need to hurt your little head thinking about what I have just said. This is my prey, wolf and I will catch it at my own pace. I’m sure our paths will cross.”
The little kid Gina came back and stood beside the lord, who smiled at her. He walked to the borders of the camp, but stopped and turned to look in our direction.
“I’m sure we will meet again, sweet nectar. But next time, please introduce yourself.”
With that, he left with his crawlers following behind. I shivered when his honey voice kept ringing in my ears.
Yes, my first decision was right; we must leave here and never return.
I need to protect Alice; I can leave her to face the same fate as that poor girl who knows what they would do to her.
Yes, I will take Alice and leave and fuck everything else.