I growled viciously. And my chest shook from the force of it when I heard that deafening roar.
I bit tighter into that traitor’s flesh and almost gagged when the rancid blood of his flooded my mouth and some into my stomach.
I was disgusted by its taste and elated at the same time. Finally, I will avenge my father. Then I will pay back that humiliation which plagued our life.
The beta whimpered and shifted back to his human form, still closing his eyes. A faint chuckle escaped me at this change.
I bit deeper once more, not caring that I was killing him even though he had submitted to me and ignoring the chaos that broke around us.
My head was filled with the thoughts of my wolf even though I don’t have one which was weird and bloodlust warmed my body and soul.
But that fucking dragon roared again, and this time I felt the thud of his land somewhere to my right.