This was too much for Mercy to comprehend. How did it happen? who made the first move? Felix or herself? All she could remember was that devastating kiss. If Felix had not stopped himself, they may already have become lovers in the practical sense of it. She sighed with both gratitude and disappointment. She could not understand why she felt a little disappointed. Could it be that she secretly wanted him to take advantage of her so she would have a reason to excuse her actions or lay the blame on him? Of course, she tried to convince herself, she was not feeling bad that their lovemaking had not followed through to it's logical conclusion.
After all, she was not ready for that. She had experienced what young men did to some young women leaving them heart broken or with unwanted pregnancies and denying responsibility. But Felix was not like that she was sure but she had to be double sure before entrusting her body to him. It was bad enough that he now had possession of her heart. All through that day, she could not concentrate. No matter how she tried to explain it off, she realised that she wanted Felix terribly and God help her because she was going to have him. Mercy's mother saw that she was distracted and asked her to go home and relax or study. She left the supermart gratefully. She had been about to suggest that anyway before she made an error in calculating the sales. Mercy had two younger brothers and both of them had been witnessing the blossoming friendship between Felix and their sister and both accepted it in different ways. The older one was suspicious of Felix and showed his lack of approval by his facial expressions and body language. The younger brother who normally disliked men talking with his sister ironically took to Felix immediately and rather than discourage his sister was actually encouraging her not to back off from the relationship. His name was Micheal. Micheal would spend days on end with Felix anytime he was around or back from work and would berate Mercy for not taking good care of Felix. It was from her brother Micheal, that Mercy learnt that Felix was not being well treated by his elder brother.
His brother Peter, would ask Felix to prepare some edibles for him which Felix would obediently do but he would find it difficult feeding his own brother and only those food types that he knew Felix detested would he permit him to cook in the house thereby starving Felix.
Mercy took it upon herself to make certain food items and edibles available for Felix to eat. Felix at first did not want to trouble her and would have hidden the fact from her but for the first hand experience Micheal had while visiting him one fateful day. He saw his brother berate him for eating something other than that which he had asked him to eat which by the way was beans which Felix could not eat. His brother got angry that he had made another food type for himself and threatened to send him packing from his house. Felix had to endure a lot of inhuman treatment from his brother because of what he hoped to achieve.
His brother was stingy even to himself but Felix kept excusing his behaviour but how could one excuse the behaviour of someone who didn't have any human sympathy. Who would rather die with his money in his picked than use it to save his own life. But he wouldn't mind if you have him all you had. Not that he would appreciate you even then.
So, someone who was stingy and wicked to himself had no hopes of being otherwise to other people no matter who they may be. Parents included.