Felix could not wait to get to Mercy as soon as office hours was over. Some of his colleagues had wanted to have a word or two with him but he just hurriedly dismissed them with the excuse that he was meeting with someone who would board a flight any time soon and that he had to see him before he did.
Gladys was becoming fed up with Felix's attitude. Yesterday, she had been sure that Felix had been stood up and had tried to make the most of it but it had not worked out but had earned her the mockery and scorn of her colleagues.
She had not minded that at all. In fact, she had taken it in her stride but the straw that broke the camel's back was his blatant rejection of her when she had waited for him half way to his house away from the prying eyes of their colleagues and when she had told him yet again that she was willing and ready to wipe away the hurt she knew he must be feeling if only he could just accept her.
He had looked at her with contempt but she had not relented.