Chapter Fifty Three

Mercy found it difficult to sleep because of the song Mary was singing. She was really singing loudly. Well loud enough to distract someone who wanted to fall asleep. She would have joined her brothers in their room but that would raise question she did not have answers to and they would be busy either with their computer games or some other games she wasn't interested in. Either way, she would still be besieged by noise when all she wanted was just a little peace and quiet.

Mercy wanted to ask Mary to sing in a lower tone of voice so she could sleep but she knew that Mary was spoiling for a fight and she did not want to give in to her. She considered going to the living room to while away the time with some films. She knew she enjoys ZEE World movies and since she was no longer feeling sleepy anyway, it was better for her to get entertained while waiting for sleep to resurface. That way she believed, she would be avoiding a row with Mary and keeping her own sanity.