Chapter Sixty Three

Chinonso held her lovingly in his arms. He knew that he should make her go before Chikodi met her there in his house but he no longer gave a damn. She must like him better if she is here with him, rather than with Chikodi and any way, Chikodi was bound to find out sooner or later and he was not prepared to give her up. The both of them, he and Chikodi, that is, would have to talk it out between each other. He had set out just wanting to grab some fun and if it meant sharing her with his friend, no problem. They had always taken their pleasure where they found it but he realized that he wanted to have her all to himself.

Gift felt strangely safe in his arms. She could not explain it but he actually reminded her of Felix. Felix had been the only one who had been able to give her multiple orgasms in a round of lovemaking. He had loved her expertly and maybe that was how she became spoilt and obssesssed with sex. Now she had experienced it again, only this time, with Chinonso.