If Rohan Fernando had not been born into a power financial dynasty, he would have been completely destroyed because of the scandal of three months ago. But his family has maintained its financial position for a considerable time in K city in particular and Z country in general starting from his great-grandfather; Bon-Hwa.
But right now under the leadership of Rohan, the business has been making waves overseas.
The scandal of three months ago was enough to pull an ordinary person to the dust. But the Fernando businesses were too established to be pulled down, no matter what happened.
The scandal did not affect the Fernando businesses, it only brought Rohan personal shame and embarrassment.
This morning, the cathedral was parked to the brim with people.
He had avoided all protocols and had come to the wedding with only three cars. He had his bride with him in one car, the best man and bride’s maid and the bodyguards in the other cars.
Because of what happened that three months ago, his fiancée Chin Sun had left her father’s house and came to live with Rohan to stop him from flirting with other women.
He appreciated it, although after the incident three months ago, he had made up his mind never to touch another woman other than his own woman.
Before the incident, he had been having sex with his fiancée Chin Sun, in addition to sleeping with other women.
But after the incident, he had stopped sleeping with women, even though Chin Sun had come to live in his house, he refused to touch her telling her “the next time we would have sex would be on our wedding night.”
It was difficult to believe, but it actually happened; that after the incident three months ago, he had lost interest in sex.
Two things could be responsible for the loss of interest; maybe the embarrassment he got during the incident or may be the effect the girl who was involved with him in the incident had on him.
For the past three months, he has combed every nook and cranny of the country for the girl but could not find her. as an FBI officer, he gets information an ordinary person could never get.
But what baffled and eluded him was everything about the girl. He even engaged some of his FBI friends, but they have not been able to find the girl.
How can they find the girl? You can only find someone whom you have information about. He had no information whatsoever about the girl. No pictures, no name, no link, no connection, nothing!
He was not searching for the girl to marry her, since he was already engaged to Chin Sun, but to compensate the girl for the evil he did to her.
He had not given up on the search for the girl, he just has to go on with his marriage plans with Chin Sun especially, as his grandfather was on his neck to do so.
So this morning, as he sat in the car with his bride waiting for the priest to call them in, he was feeling apprehensive.
The ceremony was not expected to last long, but the priest was old and his service was very slow.
Finally, the priest called them, and they went inside the church. The bride; Chin Sun was a beauty to behold. She was wearing the latest, most expensive wedding gown ever won.
Chin Elvis was the father of the bride. He held the girl in his hand and lead her along the groom to the priest who was waiting at the altar.
The bride was so adoring, she looked like an angel in the white wedding gown. Her necklace alone cost 1million dollars, everything she wore was in millions of dollars.
The total cost of her wedding gown and Jewries were totalled at 14.5 million dollars.
Rohan had purposely spent so much on her. He had come to love her since three months ago. So he thought.
After what happened three months ago, he had thought that the girl would call off the engagement, but she didn’t and he believed that the girl really loved him and he chose to spoil her for the rest of her life. He started by spending that much money on her.
But Chin Sun was more in love with the man’s wealth than with the man himself.
Her make-up was superb, he had hired for her, the best make-up artist the country had ever boast off.
She was a beautiful girl, but the make-up made her just too beautiful.
They had marched in to the pulpit where the waiting priest was to conduct the joining of the couple in matrimony.
When Rohan looked round the congregation, full to capacity, everyone’s face glowing with happiness for him, he felt overwhelmed.
He even scowled himself for ever dreaming or thinking that something was going to go wrong with the wedding.
Maybe, it might be at the reception ceremony if anything is going to go wrong. Certainly not here. He concluded.
They had stood at the altar, in front of the priest waiting for him to start his speech.
And just when he was about to finish his speech, he made that stupid statement which some irresponsible, non-entity of a woman according to Rohan took advantage off.
The woman had said that she has something against the marriage, baffling everybody. The whole congregation had been thrown into confusion, wondering what she has against the marriage.
The priests had taken the woman, Rohan and his bride into the church versty; office to interrogate them.
As the priest of God continued with his interrogation of the young woman. He asked her “Young woman, how old is the said child?” he asked her looking directly into her eyes to ascertain if she is lying.
“four years old sir.” She replied without blinking an eyelid.
“do you have any evidence?” the priest asked.
“yes” she replied as she took out a picture of an unusually cute little girl of about four years old. she gave it to the priest.
In the vestry at this point, were only the priest and his assistant, Rohan and his assistant. They all congregated beside the priest to see the picture of the said child
The child was so adorable that even if Rohan wanted to deny fathering the child, he would find it difficult to do so.
Rohan took the picture of the child, looked at it critically and shook his head weakly. “even if am the father of the child, there is still need for a test to confirm……”
The priest interrupted what Rohan was saying and said to the woman
“young woman, you had a child for Mr. Bon-Hwa , since four years ago, and you never let him know about it, you kept the issue until this morning, and you decided to interrupt or stop his wedding because of this.” He was frowning seriously at the girl.