Chapter 11: Gun him down and dare the consequences

She left them in that room and rounded a corner. She was not familiar with the church build-ing, she seems to have entered a wrong corner and heard voices.

“If Elvis fails to produce his daughter in the next 10 minutes, I will gun him down and dare the consequences.” She heard a venomous voice and approaching footsteps.

She hid herself at a corner and watched, two men passed by her, it was Rohan and Dan. She did not know them, but from what they were saying, she knew it was the groom and his man.

She stood dead on her feet, she could not believe it. So Elvis and Fatima were telling the truth when they said that the man can kill at will and nobody will ask him questions.

Was this the type man Elvis and Fatima choose to give their daughter in marriage? That was too bad.

She had better go and inform Elvis to run for his dear life. If Elvis dies, her mother; Ae-Cha may not survive the shock and may also die and she would be an orphan like her mother was. No! for the sake of her mother, Elvis must be warned.

She started retracing her steps back.

When Rohan and Dan passed by Chin Cho, Rohan went back to the church vestry and start-ed pacing up and down. Dan took permission and went after Elvis.

He found Elvis and Fatima in the room Chin Cho had left them earlier.

The moment he entered the room, Chin Cho entered also. Dan turned towards the door and saw Chin Cho, and muttered in his mind ‘where is this beautiful one coming from’ he glanced briefly at her and turned back at Elvis and Fatima.

This was not a time to ogle over a beautiful woman.

“As I was saying Mr Chin. You have only ten minutes to produce your daughter, or develop wings and fly out of this country. Not even out of this church.

My boss has stationed men outside of the church premises to squeeze the day light out of you, he would have liked to do it here but he doesn’t want to shed blood inside the Holy place because of his respect for God.

Chin Cho was still shaking because of the first words she heard, this one was even worst. Now she didn’t know what to say again.

She wanted to tell her father to run out of the church for his dear life, but the man has sta-tioned men outside the church premises. It was a terrible situation.

Dan was about stepping out of the room when Chin Elvis called him back. “Mr. Omar, this is my second daughter she will take the place of her sister.”

This was a matter of life and death, and his own life for that matter. He has been begging Chin Cho and she refused, so they have to take her by force.

Chin Cho was shocked to the bones, before she could open her mouth in protest, the two men held her tightly. One held her on the left while the other held her on the right hand and literal-ly dragged her towards the church vestry.

“just take your sister’s place today, and save everyone from this embarrassment, then by to-morrow, I will send you the money for your mother’s medical bill.” Elvis whispered to her.

Chin Cho bent her head down thoughtfully, and after some minutes, she lifted her head up and asked “what are the conditions for my marrying him?” she directed the question to Dan.

She had been thinking, even if Elvis runs away, the man will still have caught up with him and kill him, and her mother would be affected.

So she has to agree to disagree latter, she has to retreat, re-strategize and then attack.

She would only marry the man on serious conditions.

“Miss Chin we can’t go into any agreement without his approval, so we go to him now and make the agreement.”

“there is no other agreement other than as soon as my daughter comes back, Mr. Bon-Hwa would divorce you and get married to my daughter.”

Elvis frowned at his wife as they enter into the church vestry where the priest, the priest’s as-sistant, Rohan were all waiting for the man to either bring back his daughter or for Rohan to change his mind and postponed the wedding or do his worst.

Rohan was facing the window when Elvis and others came in, everyone turned at their en-trance accept Rohan.

“Mr. Bon-Hwa, I have brought my …” Rohan turned slowly and fastened his gaze on the girl.

He had turned hoping that his bride has been found, but to his greatest shock it was not his bride. A different girl altogether. And he had a strange feeling the moment he set his eyes on the girl.

Chin Cho had been hoping to jabber out all her conditions the moment she sees the man, but when she saw him, she was too overwhelmed at the aura of the man to say anything.

She had wanted to tell them that being a good natured girl who found it difficult to say no when someone was sincerely in need, she was only there to save her father and mr. Bon-Hwa from the present embarrassment, nothing more.

And therefore, after the marriage, no sex, no holding of hands, no touching, or any form of intimacy, again, she should not be called by the name of the man and lastly, she would get a divorce two weeks after the marriage, by then people’s attention might have shifted from the wedding saga.

But now that she has seen the man, she lost her tongue.

She had seen handsome men, but she has never seen one that has a very rare combination as this man.

Most handsome men she had seen in the movies were always smiling, gentle and so on. But this man! he has a red and blood shot eyes, he looked so fierce, wicked, intimidating, unap-proachable. She was lost for words.