Chapter 13: The marriage agreement

Chin Cho on her own part was by now thinking that she had never seen a man so enchanting like this one.

She had heard that her half-sister was getting married to super-rich man, she had never anticipated him to be so handsome as well.

As she had closely looked at him in a relaxed manner, she found out that he had a perfect figure comparable to those of super models in the cover of magazines. His body shape lines were tight, his eyes were now clear, cold and deep blue. His features were such that could make any woman scream. Even in his discomfort, he had a noble and powerful air about him.

Chin-Sun’s mother; Fatima was hoping against hope that the young man would refuse Chin Cho, and then the wedding would be postponed until her daughter comes back.

Chin Cho herself was also hoping that the man would say no to her and she would raise her two hands and praised the God of heaven. It would not be her fault anymore and her father would still have to pay her mother’s medical bill.

But Elivs was hoping that the Bon-Hwa heir would accept his second daughter and he would go free.

Both of them were his daughters, it doesn’t matter which of them he marries. The other one has ran away, and if he rejects this one, then he was in trouble. He was owing Rohan’s late father so much money that he doesn’t think he would be able to pay in his life time.

It was a miracle that Rohan fell in love with his daughter Chin Sun. he not only cancelled the debts but he also has been carrying the financial burden of the Elvis family for the past three years they have been engaged.

Now that his daughter Chin Sun has ran away, and if he rejects Chin Cho, then he was in big trouble. He who wears the shoe knows where it pains most.

Rohan interrupted their thoughts and shocked all of them when he said to his assistant “let her be dressed in the best wedding gown, shoes, Jewries and a heavy vile you can lay your hands on within ten minutes. No additional make-up, the ones she had put on her face are enough.

“Consider it done in less than ten minutes sir .” He turned and was about to get out of the room when the girl’s voice interrupted everyone.

By now she had recovered from all her initial shock and has thought out what she would do after the marriage and therefore make up her mind to agree for now.

“I think that there should be some sort of agreement Mr. …Mr…” she did not know the name of the man.

She was told by her mother that her sister was getting married to a superrich man, but the name of the man was not told her.

That Rohan was a household name in Z country was only for those interested in business and financial world. And perhaps also those who follows the gossip columns.

When she had smart phone, she had seen and heard of the Bon-Hwas on social media, but the Bon-Hwas were a very large family with many sons and grandsons, so you must really know who among the Bon-Hwas you are looking for when you search.

And Chin Cho was particularly not interested in rich men. Her father was once a rich man and deceived her mother. So she made up her mind not to have anything to do with rich men. And she doesn’t read about them in the newspapers.

She was an academia, she wanted to be a professor in mathematics, so she had no interest, no time in gossip columns and therefore, did not know who Bon-Hwa Rohan Fernando was.

“what I mean is how long was this relationship going to last?” she asked looking directly into the man’s eyes.

He stopped in his track and replied her “Till when your sister is found” he replied,

“and if she decides not to come back what happens?” she asked immediately.

“Then you are free to leave after six months, officially divorced.” He said as he took another penetrating look at the girl and left the room without saying any other thing.”

“Exactly what I said” Fatima exclaimed in excitement when the man left the place.

Chin Cho would have loved to state more conditions such as there would not be any form of physical contact such as; holding of hands, kissing or sex, and other conditions. But the man did not give her the chance, he just said it without negotiations and left as if he owns the whole world.

Who knows when Chin Sun would be back? If the man had given her chances she would have said maybe two weeks or so and they would divorce. But now he just decided for everyone. Six months! Six months was too much, how was she going to manage for the next six months if Chin Sun refused to come back.

In less than ten minutes, Dan was back and the new bride was immediately dressed up by the lady who sales the wedding accessories.

In another ten minutes or more, the assistant priest had coordinated the whole church and those who were left; were seated quietly for the joining of the emergency wife to her husband in matrimony.

When the couple came in, the bride’s face was properly covered with a heavy white veil. Apart from the chief priest, his assistant, Rohan and his assistant, Mr Elvis and his family, no other person knew that this bride was not the runaway bride. They all thought that she had come back.

When they stood at the altar, the priest took his microphone and commenced the ceremony once again.

Every protocol was clearly avoided except the part that says

“Mr. Bon-Hwa do you take Miss Chin to be your lawfully wedded wife; forsaking all others and cleaving to her in health and in sickness, wealth and in poverty till death do you part?”

“yes I do” the groom said without blinking an eyelid.

The chief priest turned to the girl and asked her “Miss Chin do you take Mr. Bon-Hwa to be your lawfully wedded husband; forsaking all others and cleaving to him in health, or in sickness, in poverty or in riches, till death do you part.”

She hesitated for a while, fear gripping her heart. She was not going to forsake Boe Ho her current boyfriend, and she was not going to stay with him till death do them part.

Wasn’t it very wrong for her to be lying at the altar of God and before a holy man of God?

Only few persons clearly understood her hesitation, but the rest of the congregation were ignorant of why she was hesitating.

When she came back to her senses, she felt embarrassed and started tapping her throat as if she was choking on her saliva.

The assistant priest immediately understood and gave her a bottle of water.

When she finished drinking the water, the chief priest repeated his question.