He just agreed to wed her in order to reduce the embarrassment of what happened in the church early in the day and also to receive his entitlements from his club. and most importantly, to remain the president of his club.
He subconsciously looked at the checks in his hand, and felt empty. These things mean nothing to him now. He was feeling so terrible within him.
Chin Cho sat beside him in the racing car, and lifted her veil to receive fresh air. He involuntarily looked at her face, and frowned. She was so beautiful and he was not really a fan of beautiful girls. Especially for a permeant relationship.
Any ways who was talking about permeant relationship now, certainly not him.
Before three months ago, when he was still Rohan Fernando, Chin Cho was the type of girls he always like to flirt with. He liked to get into their pants, just for the sake of sex and the joy of being with a beautiful woman.
But after what happened three months ago, he had hands off beautiful women, and decided to stick with only one woman.
But what happened today! he shook his head in disapproval.
Chin Cho notice the obvious shaking of head and looked at him in sympathy, but could not say anything. She believed he was shaking his head in disapproval of her.
The man had gone through a lot of things, she sympathizes with him, and as for disapproving of her, he was welcomed to disapprove of her. The disapproval was reciprocal.
As she looked at him, she noticed that the man looked so sad and cold. He had seen men who were cold but this man’s coldness was alarming, especially as it was combined with sadness and bitterness.
She knew why he was so sad, so there was no need to ask; ‘why is he so sad.’
Her heart subconsciously went out to him. And she rebuked herself for feeling that way.
Anybody who knew what happened to him this morning, would naturally sympathize with him. So she was only trying to sympathize.
The silence in the car, was way too much. There was nothing to discuss. What will one be discussing with a stranger, funny enough, they did not even know each other’s full name, they only knew the surname of each other.
He was lost in thought.
After some minutes, he bent slightly, collected her purse, opened it and was about to put the bulk of checks in her purse when he saw her phone.
It was a very small button operated phone sold at 15 dollars. It has even broken at the back.
Oh! He scolded himself, he had forgotten to ask Dan to also get her a befitting phone when Dan had gone to get her wedding accessories.
He took the phone, examined it and put it back inside the purse, and then put the checks inside the purse also. The purse was among the things purchased for her, few hours ago.
To Chin Cho there was nothing affectionate or special about what he was doing, the checks in his hand were too much, so he decided to put it inside her purse, when they reach home, she would give it to him.
After driving for some minutes, he said to his assistant “stop at the next shopping mall.”
After few blocks, Dan stopped the car.
When the car stopped, he said to Dan, go into the shop and get the best phone you can lay your hands on for madam.”
“yes sir,” Dan replied and left for the phone.
Rohan also came out of the car and followed Dan, as he turned and said to the woman “I would be back in few minutes.”
When he got into the store, he purchased a very hard liquor, candle stick, lighter and some other things.
While he was purchasing these things, Dan had purchased the phone and came back to the car. He was very fast about the purchase, since he did not want to offend the master more by staying too long.
But when he came back, the boss was not in the car.
“where is the boss” Dan asked Chin Cho.
“he followed you into the mall and said he would be back in few minutes.”
Dan was very surprised; he did not see the boss following him into the shop neither did he see him in the shop. He wondered why he did not send him to purchase those things for him.
He brought out the phone from its pack and gave to Chin Cho. It was Apple iPhone 13 Mini. The girl was very elated and was admiring the phone.
Dan told her to bring out her sim card and put inside the new phone. She brought out her old phone, removed the sim card and was struggling to open it, Dan saw she was finding it difficult, he collected the phone from her and put her sim card for her.
On impulse, he put his number inside the Chin Cho’s phone and then Rohan’s number. He saved Rohan’s number as ‘my husband’ and saved his own phone number as ‘my husband’s assistant.’
He then gave her the phone.
At that moment, Rohan came back with his little purchase, she showed him the phone saying “thank you so much Mr. Bon-Hwa.”
Rohan did not reply, or say anything. But he kept a straight face as Dan pulled into the high way, drove into his boss’s yellow villa.
The gate to the house was magnificent, and was both car and finger censored. This means that the moment Rohan’s cars comes near the gate; it would open on its own. It was also finger censored; it can also open with Rohan’s or his assistant fingers touch the gate and the main door to the house.
When the car drew near to the gate, the gate opened and the two cars drove in. this was the first time Chin Cho was seeing this kind of gate. she had seen the ones opened with a remote control, but certainly not the one that was car censored. She had no idea that it was also finger censored.
when they entered into the compound itself, it was even more magnificent than she had anticipated.
Dan stopped and opened the car door for his boss. He also opened the other side of the car for madam.