Both Dan; Rohan’s assistant and Chin Cho; Rohan’s wife was very shocked and asked in unism “what baby?” “baby what.?”
The doctor was slightly embarrassed. How come the woman and the husband’s assistant did not know that the woman was pregnant.?
Or are they just pretending?
But there was nothing to pretend about. The man and the woman have been in a relationship for more than one year, and they got married yesterday. It was not abnormal for the woman to be pregnant.
The doctor knew that miss Chin was Rohan’s fiancé and bride, though rumour had it that she disappeared in the church yesterday, after the wedding was interrupted, but was later found.
Sadly, the doctor had no idea that it was not the same bride but her sister. Although, the boss and his fiancé had visited the hospital on one or two occasions, he was thinking that it was the same woman.
The only difference is that she was not wearing make-up, and as you know, make-ups can change women’s face.
So he believe it is the same woman.
He was even at the reception yesterday, but left when it looked like the reception would not be taking place again.
But later in the evening, he heard that the wedded later held and the groom and his wife had left for their villa.
So naturally, he assumed that the woman was pregnant for their general boss.
Why are they so surprised and shocked about it?
It should really be a good news.
But the two persons do not seem to be happy or excited about it.
“No it is not true!” the woman exclaimed bitterly. The doctor was somehow surprised; he could not understand what was going on. Why was the woman so embittered about her being pregnant?
Was she among those who were given birth to, but never wanted to give birth to another person?
There was a deadly silence in the ward. Even the sound of a pin drop could be heard.
The silence was making the two men awkward, especially as tears were beginning to come down the cheeks of the woman.
Dan asked the doctor “how old is the pregnancy.”
The woman turned sharply, she was very eager to know what the doctor was about to say. Although if she was really pregnant, she then already knew how old the pregnancy was.
The doctor scratched his head with his finger, trying to remember the figures he saw in the test result. “the pregnancy should be about 14 weeks or so” he said quietly to them.
“It is not true doctor; I need the test to be carried out again.”
The doctor was slightly embarrassed, was the madam questioning their professional competence or what?
Since it was the nurse who had taken the first test, he decided to do the second test by himself.
Excusing Dan for few minutes he took the woman’s sample and proceeded to re-conduct the test.
Standing at the corridor of the ward, Dan was very confused.
How come the woman is pregnant?
Was she in a serious relationship before getting married to his boss yesterday?
Did Chin Elvis know that his daughter was pregnant before handing her over to his boss.? All these questions were bothering his mind.
He knew his boss very well, they were friends although his boss’s pride did not allow them to be very close, but they were friends all the same. He knew practically everything about his boss.
So he was very sure that the boss and this woman were meeting for the first time yesterday.
Therefore, his boss was not responsible for the pregnancy.
The doctor called him back into the ward.
When he entered the ward and stood beside the bed, the doctor announced “Mrs Bon-Hwa, you are 14 weeks pregnant.” He said …
The doctor was very professional, referring to her with her husband’s family name.
The woman was perplexed and said to the doctor “but I have never missed my menstruation doctor, how can I be pregnant while menstruating?” She was feeling very horrible.
The doctor hesitated “
“well Mrs Bon-Hwa it is not medically okay for a woman to be menstruating during pregnancy. I think that what you rather had is what is called ‘spotting’ which is usually light pink or dark brown in colour. By the way, how heavy is the menses and when last did you see it?”
All these lectures and questions were rather getting Chin Cho more irritated. She was beyond herself with anguish, what kind of complications are these?
Why was her life so miserable? From one problem, difficulty to another. What has she done wrong to nature?
Her mother was deceived and got married to an already married man. this made them (she and her mother) to never experience a complete family love.
Her father abandoned her and her mother and they have been struggling, barely meeting up with life expenses.
She struggled through school.
She is not struggling in the university, she has suffered 4 years in the university, and this week, she was supposed to be taking her final exams,
She got rape by a strange man while trying to make ends meet in the school.
She was forced to sacrifice for her step sister and marry a total stranger; a man whom she had never met before.
She almost got burnt by fire while trying to save the strange man.
Now she was being declared pregnant without even knowing the father of the child.
What has she done wrong?
Was it her philosophy of life that has brought her all these troubles?
Chin Cho has a weird philosophy of life.
She has endured all other problems, but becoming pregnant was way too much for her, she can’t possibly accept this one.
Her mind was in chaos; how could she be pregnant?
Who was the father of her child?
She did not know the father of her child, it had been a rape incident and she did not expect to be pregnant. She had thought the man was protected, or that she was not in ovulation during the time of the incident.
If she had known, she would have gone for a pregnancy test few days after the incident. But she was ashamed and embarrassed and did not want anybody to know that she was raped.
Only her closest friend knew that she was raped. She even refused to tell her fiancée that she was raped.
For the past four years that she had been with her boyfriend Ho; they have not had sex, although Ho would have loved them to make love once in a while, but she had vehemently refused saying that it should be after marriage.
He did not pressurize her but respected her wishes.
If she knew, she would have started having sex with Ho after the rape incident, this would have made it easier for Ho to accept the child as his. But now it was prettily late.
The rape was her first time of having sex.