Without wasting time with the woman, she stood up and went outside, the moments she stepped outside, the two female bodyguards came forward to meet her.
The housekeeper did not bother stopping her from going outside, she knew that security was tight.
The two women came closer and the one named Melinda said to her “madam, you intend to go out?”
“yes but I need to make a call first, so can I have your phone to call someone”
Melinda looked at her colleague and then back to Chin Cho. “Madam, am sorry, but we were instructed not to give you any phone.”
Chin Cho could not believe her ears “what did you say?” she gasped at the women.
The two women did not say anything and just looked at her.
Her strength was fast failing her, she remembered how the two women were able to stand up to Vera; the twin sister of Mr. Bon-Hwa Hwa, much less herself.
She just stood dazed, looking at the women in dismay.