Chapter 37: Do I owe you any explanation to my decisions?

Chin Sun had been dreaming of living in that house with Rohan, but she received a bomb that morning when she heard of it.

She wanted to know the reason “why” she had asked him. Anger and frustration were boiling within her, but she would not let them out.

“do I owe you any explanation to my decisions?” he said softly without any expression.

“but in few days, I would become your wife, so don’t you think that you ought to explain some things to me?” she said in her most seductive voice.

Talking of seduction, she had once thought that she had lost the power to seduce a man.

The man Rohan was really strange, he only has sex with her when he wants, not when she wants. Even if she goes completely naked in front of him, he would never flick an eyelid.

She wanted to find out if she had lost the power of seduction, by going back to her former boyfriend to have sex secretly.