Chapter 35: I want to keep an eye on that woman myself.”

Rohan dismissed his assistant with a wave of the hand saying “go ensure that my wife has been properly taken care of, then go home and make preparations for my starting work tomorrow.”

Dan was very surprised “sir tomorrow?”

“Yes, I need to start work and do something worthwhile with my life instead of lying down here doing nothing. I can’t be here leaving my household to be in shambles. I want to keep an eye on that woman myself.”

Was his life really worthwhile and he wanted to take his life on his wedding night?

His household was in shambles, how funny. When did the carefree Bon-Hwa Rohan Fernando ever care about households even when his parents were alive?

Without saying anything more, Dan left the ward and went to check on Chin Cho in the general unit. Chin Cho was sitting down on the bed, she looked better now and eating some fruits when Dan came in.