Chapter 39: Naked on the bed.

There was silence, Rohan was busy pretending to be concentrating on his work, but sincerely, he was cursing the woman in his heart.

‘bitch, witch, you are in love with another man and pregnant for him, and you had the guts to get married to me.’

Hearing her voice from the loud speaker, her voice was threatening to make him go mad. The voice was familiar, but he could not place where he had heard such a beautiful voice before, this voice was tormenting him. Oh! He remembered where he had heard the voice, it was in the church vestry or was it in the yellow house before his aborted suicide mission?. But apart from these places, has he heard that voice before?

Well that did not matter, what mattered was that the voice was making him lack concentration

He didn’t like to hear the voice, yet he wanted to hear it every time.

His thoughts were interrupted when the woman said “give him the phone let me inquire of his health.”

She thought that, the man was still in the hospital.