Chapter 54: One torn in his flesh; the woman downstairs.

The woman wondered why she laughed but did not ask her.

When Rohan got to his room upstairs, he removed his clothes and other things and dumped them on the bed and went into the bathroom to dress his wound.

He removed the covers off the wound and started cleansing the ones in his arms both left and right arms. Apart from the burns on his hands, he also had a burn on his neck, back and waist.

He wondered how he was going to dress those ones. if he knew he would not have sent the nurse away, he would have allowed her to dress his wounds. He regretted as he struggled to do it by himself.

When he came in few minutes ago, a nurse from the hospital was seating at the living room waiting for him.

When he entered and saw the lady, her uniform had shown who she was. He glanced at her and asked “what are you waiting for?”

“sir the doctor sent me to come and dress your wound” she said as she was standing up from her seat. She had a box in her hand.