Chapter 56: What are you girls waiting for

At the sitting room, he saw Tamar already dressed and waiting for Chin Cho. He said to her “What are you girls waiting for, before you go for the shopping?

He asked her casually before taking out his phone to make call. He left the house while answering the call.

After about 20 minutes Chin Cho came down. The two women went out, at the door, Tamar pressed the codes and the main door of the building opened.

“don’t you think it is high time to tell me the codes?” Chin Cho asked the woman who was in front of her.

Without pausing from what she was doing, the woman replied “The master of the house has not instructed me to do so” there was no hint of disgust or insult in her voice.

After opening the door, she stepped aside for Chin Cho to leave first, she followed from behind.

When Chin Cho stepped out of the main building, she looked up to the sky and heaved a sigh of relief.

What was her relief? she didn’t know, all she knew is that she is happy to be breathing fresh air.