Chapter 80: Are you sure he is a complete man?”

“Four years sir” she answered as she was trying to ease the pains in her legs. If not that she was seeking favour from this man, she would not be standing here answer endless questions.

As if she was being interviewed for a high-level security job.

“four years!” The man exclaimed, “and you have not had sex with him? Are you sure he is a complete man?”

Chin Cho was too annoyed to answer this question, but she tried her best to contain her anger.

“any ways, that is not important now”

Whether the man was a complete man or not, he has made up his mind right there and then to snatch Chin Cho from the young man.

‘If she has not had sex with him, it therefore means that the woman has only had sex once in her life. She should still be regarded as a virgin.’ He mused in his heart.

Half bread is better than none.

“So back to my question why didn’t you abort the baby?” he asked rewinding his question