Chapter 84: I like Gravity

The girl continued, “my brother and Chelsea had fixed their wedding, and then gravity went after Chelsea, and he being more handsome and has more money, and was generous to a fault, he easily bought Chelsea, and started sleeping with her.

When my brother got to know about it, he sorts to kill gravity, but the group he hired, refused to kill him, saying that he was their friend. The group decided to punish him by drugging him, taking video of him having sex with a woman and posting it to every social media in the country and even outside the country.”

Chin Cho and Boe Ho were both shocked and confused at the story.

After some minutes, Boe Ho finally asked her “so Chin Cho was posted on the social media with this gravity man?”

“nope the video was so carefully taken that it was only gravity that was seen. The face of the girl was carefully hidden.