Chapter 96: Work at the BF Group

“well am too busy sir” she said shortly

“too busy to pick your husband’s call?” he questioned her.

“Mr. Bon-Hwa, I think you could always leave a message with Tamar.”

“so you prefer me calling Tamar and leaving message to calling you?” he asked her in disbelief.

‘what is wrong with this woman, I can’t sleep well for the past two weeks I have been here because of her, even to hear her voice becomes a problem.’ He muttered angrily at himself.

“sir what is the matter” his assistant Dan asked him.

“nothing” he snapped at his assistant before leaving his room.


Meanwhile, Chin Cho was anxiously waiting for Monday morning to start work, she was excited, she could not wait to earn her own morning to do what she wanted, especially taking care of her mother.

Not that she was lacking money, Tamar had on the first day of her resuming school giving her a money card; to use and spend as she liked.