Chapter Three

Two years letter........

A girl was sleeping peacefully on her bed when a girl sneaked into her room and went towards the bathroom, she filled a bucket with water and came back to the room.

'Should I do that? she will kill me for sure' she asked herself

'So what, the hell with her killing, I will also kill her and then we will both went to heaven together' she said with a mischievous smile.

After debating for some time, she threw the whole water from the bucket at the sleeping beauty.

"What the hell," she woke up with a jolt and was shocked.

She checked herself who was fully drenched in water and heard a loud laugh from the front.

That was time she found the culprit of all of this.

"You are gone babe, I will kill you, Kia Malhotra," she shouted at the girl who was standing in front of her but that girl did not give her a damn.

"To hell with your kill bitch, we have a flight to catch in 2 hours and I was trying to wake you up from the last one hours but you were just lost in your dreams, were you dreaming about your prince charming babe?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

"What the fuck, you know that I was working late night still you have to wake me up early in the morning, look at the time babe it's 2 AM and if you are forgetting, we are going through my private jet, so what is the need of hurry, we can go when we want," She said in her boring tone and with also irritated by waking up early in the morning.

"Yeah, Yeah, you are right, and what about your brothers, who are eating my head from the morning, why was your phone was off, they continuously calling me from the morning and I am hell tired with their calls so now get your ass off from the bed, and get ready fast and about the timing so babe you very well know that how punctual I am about timing," Kia said with a glare.

"Okay, Okay, do not give me that look and about my brothers, they must be excited about my arrival, My phone was off because I knew that they will eat my head by calling, again and again, that was the reason they called," She shrugged and said making Kia's mouth went wide open.

"You did it intentionally, you bitch, you know that if your phone is unreachable then your brothers will call me and make my sleep flew away," Kia said with accusation when she heard that she was played by her friend.

"Just chuck it, Babe," she said like it was not a big deal for her.

"You are dead Myra Singhania," Kia said and run towards Myra to kill her.

They both were running in whole houses like Tom and Jerry.

"Okay, Okay, time out Babe," Myra said while raising her hands in surrender and sliding on the couch and Kia also joined her.

they looked at each other and burst into a laugh. they were just like that, one moment fighting like an enemy and the other moment loving like sisters.

They were best friends since childhood when Aahil ordered Myra to go to London he also talked with Kia's parents to send her with Myra so that she will not be alone.

Kia belongs to a middle-class family, Myra met Kia when she was in 5th grade, and she saw that some people were trying to bully her so she went towards them and threaten them not to bully her otherwise she will complain to her brothers.

From that moment they both become best friends. They both spend their school together and college as well.

Myra's brother could only trust Kia at that moment so Aahil did not waste any single minute contacting Kia's parents to send her to London with Myra so that they could be less worried.

It's been two years since they were in London and now they had completed their masters so they were going back to India.

Kia was the only one apart from her brothers who knew about everything that happened with Myra 2 years ago.

They both were ready in an hour and also ready to leave.

They left their apartment and in their car, soon they reach the place where Myra's private place was already waiting for them.

They entered the plane and the car was also placed inside the plane. they both took their seat and soon the jet was ready to take off.

Once the plane took off she took out her phone from her pocket and texted someone. ' We are On the way ' and put the phone again in her pocket after switching it off.

Myra was just looking out the window and thinking about the things that happened two years ago.

She still could not believe that they could do that with her, but now was the time to give them the taste of their medicine, To show them the hell from which they will not be able to come back even if they tried so hard.

She was sweet with her friends and fired for her enemies.

Her enemies knew her methods and how she deals with her enemies and now they all come under her enemies so now it was time for them to pay back.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Kia.

"Hey do not think too much," She said and placed her hand on Myra's hand.

Myra nodded her head and again started to look outside the window.

After a few hours, an Air Hostess came to them.

"Good Morning Ma'am, should I arranged the breakfast now?" she asked them.

"Yes," Myra said and the Air Hostess left to arrange the breakfast for them.

She arranged the breakfast on the table. after having breakfast they both went towards the bedroom to take some rest as they both did not sleep last night, one because of her friend's brothers and the other one because of the work, soon after lying down they both drifted into sleep.


