Chapter fifteen:Pineapple Paper Cuts

Gummy bears were everywhere, and though that sounded like the helm of a good dream, it really wasn't.

Not that Rowland could remember.

Waking up still clutching his T-shirt in the heat of the mid afternoon again, with a throbbing headache like someone had shot him between his eyes but didn't have the decency to finish him off. And the familiar feeling of waking up as if he hadn't slept at all, and that he'll never truly wake up for the rest of the day as he existed in his body which felt like he'd somehow replaced bone with concrete. Wishing that he could do so much as even remember his dream in order to bring some context to where he was and why it felt so much better than waking up, or if he could find the genius who switched on the day and knock their light's out.

Unwittingly, he furrowed his brow.

For, although it was an otherwise fantastic sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was going to be his last, really good sleep that is.