Transporter, he recalled recently having heard it somewhere. Apart from being the most convenient mode of escaping, all it could really do was help him to escape his current situation as he waited. It posed as if it was Rowland's equivalent of Sugar Honey Iced Tea. As if saying it was as convenient as an instant transmission of some kind...
Funny guy even when the joke's on him, this all in fact actually reminded him of a joke he had heard somewhere; a man walks into the doctor's office, says he can't stop feeling sad no matter what he does. The doctor then tells him that it's probably just a blue day, and says there's a clown in town named, let's say,...Bucky o'chuclkes, wait no, how about, Boohoo. The man broke down and cried with his head in his hands before he looks up and says, "But doctor, I am Boohoo."
Everyone huffs something of a laugh, unless of course they've heard this one. Besides, who really laughs these days unless they need to.