Playing the victim role meanwhile the long term plan was to put Nick in a corner but didn't expect Him to act so quickly, as if He would make it that fucking easy. Two large steps a head of the cops and all the while he couldn't stop thinking about what Crowley had said about the old man shopping around rather than attempting to completely overthrow Him, he could think of a few things many wanted. And with all this chat about hidden artifacts hunted by unwanted figures, all he wanted to do right then was listen to a Black Radio record, knowing that all this travel might seem a tad suspicious if anyone was looking. And, jokingly he knew that he could use the excuse that he's a very busy man but, somehow he didn't think it would fucking blow over this time...
But before He could find the right huise to blow to the ground, it was his turn to make dinner tonight... But, there was just, still this one thing He needed to see...
{Plastic Nuclear Ono & The Dying Spanish Dagger}