Chapter 2- Hubert

Walking hand in hand with an old Reverend sister, the 9 years old boy kept looking around with sadness in his grey eyes. Taking the boy to where he will be staying with other children, the reverend sister told him to sit down and relax. Turning round she headed out of the hall filled with many beds and children getting ready to sleep. Giving every child a look, he then stared at his bed which looked like a hospital bed, like every other children's own with a desk beside it.

He had a gloomy expression on his face as he stared into space. Suddenly a Nun came into the room muttering some prayers before making a sign of the cross.

"Get some sleep now everyone, God guide you all."

Turning her head from one bed to another she spotted the boy staring at her. Walking up to him she sat beside him carefully before rubbing his back gently to soothe him.

"It's gonna be alright my child, life is full of many uncertainties. You never know what will happen." She paused for a while, letting her words sink in.

"Most of the children you see here went through what you're facing now, some are worse. At least one thing is for sure, they never abandoned you."

Staring at his hands he began to sob quietly with so much pain in his heart.

Hubert a nine year old boy lost his mother to childbirth and his father followed after, due to worry and landed in a car accident. Hubert survived the accident, but that couldn't be told for his father. He came out with just minor injuries which was a shock to many people. The police department tried contacting any of his relatives but to no avail, most of them disowned him, saying he was a cursed child.

They couldn't believe how he survived a terrible accident that made people's heart clench at the sight. His father was smashed beyond recognition.

It all happened when neighbors rushed the boy's mother to the hospital who was in labour while his father who was going to pick his son received a call from his neighbor, telling him his wife was in the hospital right at that moment.

Picking up his son from school and informing him that his mother was going to soon deliver his baby sister. He was filled with joy that couldn't be expressed. Halfway to the hospital he then received a shocking news, saying his wife and child didn't make it. It was like the world stood still for a while. His father's face turned gloomy and in shock.

Hubert not knowing what happened at that time consoled his father, saying everything will be alright. His father having a little bit of courage in him drove with speed to the hospital out of anxiety and kept mumbling some prayers for God to keep her.

Having too many thoughts in his head he was outran by a tanker, smashing his car to a nearby building with such force which had an impact on the car and his father. His father broke a lot of bones and his head was bleeding which covered his face.

Hubert who was still intact in his seat could not believe what unraveled before his eyes as he screamed.

All these happened in a day before he was enrolled in the orphanage home.