Chapter 4- Friends

"What's your name?"


"I'm Valeria."

Hubert and Valeria where seen outside the building walking to the swings.

"How old are you?"

"Nine." Hubert answered. Sitting on one of the swings she asked him to sit on the other.

"Where are your friends?"

"I have no friends." She answered sadly as she stared at her small feet. Hubert kept staring at her for some time before speaking.

"Can I be your friend?" Her eyes brightened as she whipped her head at him.

"For real?" She looked adorable as if she received a Christmas present. Hubert was fascinated at her cuteness.

"Then I will be your best friend." She added as she smiled widely.

Previously, when he heard the sister say she was possessed, he was shocked. The nun looked into it, praying for the girl and casting out any demon in her as she was asleep. Even sprinkling holy water on her to no avail.

"She's normal sister Jane, maybe it was some misunderstanding." That was a relief to Hubert who wanted to stay, refusing to be pushed out by the nun.

"Then why did she faint?" Was sister Jane's burning question. The nun frowned, thinking for a moment.

"That, I don't know. But we should keep a close eye on her 'cause we don't know what next might happen." They also checked Jacquiline and to their relief she was okay and breathing fine.

"This should remain here and not live this premises okay?" She gave Hubert a stern look. For some reason the nun felt the boy had something more in him than him being just a mere child.

He nodded in understanding.

"Are your parents alive?"

Hubert asked due to his curiosity. She had a sad smile at the mention of her parents.

"They are not alive."

"What happened to them?" He asked. She played with her hands as she stared at him and him at her.

"They died in an accident." Hubert's eyes widened for a moment due to the resemblance. His dad too died in an accident, except his mom's death was different.

"If you were to have another parents, will you love to have one?"

Valeria's eyes brightened at the mention of having another parents.

"I would love to."