Chapter 8- Feelings 2

Stepping into the woods and going deeper, he came to a halt and gestured for her to take a sit on the rock. This was their favorite spot since childhood. She sat down quietly and raised an eyebrow with a smile on her lips, he also sat beside her.

"I have something for you."

"A present?"

She asked elated and checked around him to see if she could catch a glimpse of the gift.

"Even if you remove my clothes, you won't find it."

'How is that?' She asked herself inwardly as she frowned.

"So how will you give it to me?"

"I won't give it to you physically."

She was even more confused, so she frowned the more.

"Then? How will you show it to me?" He gazed at her intently for a long time before answering.

"Through my actions and words."

"So...? Go ahead, what is it? Am ready to receive it."

Taking a deep steady breath he took her hand in his and confessed.


At first Valeria was waiting for him to say more, but seeing him say nothing more it was then his words dawned on her and her eyes widened in surprise at his joke. She burst into laughter.

"How are you gonna do that Hub?"

His heart jumped at her calling him Hub, short for Hubert. It was not her first time of calling him that but whenever she calls him that, it makes his heart race.

"Am serious Vally. My heart was already stolen by you since a long time and now am offering it to you."

He had a serious face as he confessed to her with endearment. It was then she knew he was serious. Blinking her eyes many times as if to be sure, she spoke.

" don't know what to say..."

Before she could finish her statement, he placed his lips on hers and her eyes widened. Pressing his lips more but gently on hers for a little while, he broke the kiss and leaned back to stare at the shocked Valeria with wide eyes at his actions. For the first time he had a nervous expression but tried to hide it which Valeria noticed and giggled forgetting that she was shocked.


"You're blushing." She laughed out loud. He frowned at her for diverting the heart felt moment into a joke.


She stopped laughing at the hearing of her full name.

"Am sorry Hub." Suddenly it dawned on her and her eyes widened again in realization.

"Oh my God! I just had my first kiss?" She touched her lips as she kept staring at him.

"Do you like me Valeria?" He asked carefully. She looked away as she played with her hands and he got the answer.

"You do?"

She nodded shyly and she smiled to hide it which he noticed and grinned.

"You look so adorable Val." She slapped him on the arm and frowned.

"Am serious here Hubert." He kept laughing before responding.

"Okay, okay, am sorry. I just couldn't help it."

From the far end of the woods stood someone brewing with anger and jealousy as she ran back to the orphanage home.