Chapter 11- Bond

"My parents were both white witches, so I ended up becoming PUREBLOOD. They told me to keep it secret and always trained me with my abilities."

Valeria was trying to digest this new information.

"Abilities? So what are they?"

"Water and Earth."

"Wow...Oh my! So you're the one who created the flowers you gave me when I was 12?" Her eyes widened at her new findings. He smiled brightly because she was accepting him as he expected.

"I feel am here for a reason Valeria, I feel God sent me to help you."

"Help me? But why?"

He took in a deep shallow breath before revealing her secret.

"You're not ordinary Val, you're unique. As I researched with my spells and books, I discovered that you're not only unique but you're AN ANGEL with strong abilities that was given to you for a reason..."


He told her everything he discovered and her healing abilities which the nun and sisters kept from her.

"I posses that kind of ability to hurt Jacquiline like that?"

"You do Val, but that's just something we will work on together. I want us to agree on something."

"What's that?" She enquired.

He gazed deeply into her blue shiny eyes in the dark with only a dim lamp at the side for a little brightness.

"I want us to make a bond."

"A bond? What type?" She asked curiously.

"A soul bond Val, it is common to we witches, we practice it with our loved ones."

"Really? So how does it work?" She asked in awe and excitement.

"We slit our palms and join it together before I cast a spell to seal the bond, that's how it works."

Her eyes enlarged as Hubert brought out a knife.

"The partner has to consent, so do you agree Val? Trust me, I won't hurt you badly."

She was hesitant, before nodding slowly.

"Are you sure this is the right direction?" Asked a young man to the lady in a black hood.

"If I wasn't sure, will I be here?" Retorted the pretty lady with green eyes.

"You better be sure, or I will do something you won't like." He grumbled and walked on in silence while the lady just ignored him. Suddenly the young man stopped and sniffed the air before letting out a throaty laugh.

"She's near, I can smell her." The man said proudly with bloodlust in his eyes.

"I know, I can sense it demon!"

She said in annoyance as she kept walking...

"The Angel's power is surfacing." Commented a man with breathtaking looks and features who leaned his chin on his palm, which rested on the armrest with a smirk on his face.

"So what's your plan Dracula?" Another man with lean muscular body asked, he too exhibited delicate beauty.

"Why are you slow in thinking Mormo?" A female with wide delicate smooth curves, that can enchant any man to her with her enormous elegant beauty asked. After all she was a seductress.

"Because you never know what he thinks." Answered Mormo to the seductress named Hectate.

"We wait for her to blossom."

Dracula replied calmly while staring ahead.